
Enter the world of professional programming Enter the world of professional programming with our comprehensive courses focusing on different programming languages and technologies. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced programmer, [...]

Enter the world of professional programming

Enter the world of professional programming with our comprehensive courses focusing on different programming languages and technologies. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced programmer, our courses will give you the in-depth knowledge and practical skills needed for a successful career in IT.

C# Programming

Learn object-oriented programming (OOP), working with .NET, developing desktop and web applications using WPF, MAUI and ASP.NET or Blazor, for example. Master key concepts such as LINQ, async/await programming, and working with databases using Entity Framework.

Programming in Java

Gain skills in working with Java SE and Java EE, developing web applications using Spring and Spring Boot, or mobile apps for Android. Learn how to use JPA/Hibernate, asynchronous programming (CompletableFuture), and microservices.

Programming in JavaScript and TypeScript

Learn modern frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, and Vue.js. Learn asynchronous programming (Promises, async/await), working with APIs, and developing full-stack applications using Node.js and TypeScript for better type safety.

Programming in Python

Gain proficiency in working with frameworks and libraries like Django, Flask, and Pandas. Learn how to use SQLAlchemy to work with databases, asynchronous programming (asyncio), and web application development and data analytics.

Programming in Scala

Learn a combination of object-oriented and functional programming, working with frameworks such as Akka, Play and Spark. Learn parallel and asynchronous programming, working with big data and developing distributed applications.

Programming in R

Learn data analysis, statistical modeling, and visualization using packages like dplyr, ggplot2, and Shiny. Master data manipulation, create interactive applications, and prepare for a career as a data analyst or data scientist.

Programming in PHP

Gain skills in working with frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter. Learn how to work with databases using PDO and MySQLi, asynchronous programming, and RESTful API development.

Programming in MATLAB

Learn scientific and engineering computation, data analysis, and simulation. Learn to work with matrices, numerical analysis, graphical data display, and dynamic systems simulations.

Programming in Kotlin

Learn Android app development and cross-platform projects, working with Kotlin Coroutines, Jetpack Compose, and Java integration. Master Dependency Injection using Koin or Dagger, and work with databases using Room.

Programming in Go

Learn efficient and scalable programming, working with gorutines, channels, and built-in networking and web services packages. Learn how to work with databases using GORM, create RESTful APIs, and deploy applications using Docker and Kubernetes.


Learn how to visually model software systems using UML. Master class diagrams, sequence diagrams, use case diagrams, state diagrams, architecture design, and software project documentation.

Our courses include hands-on exercises and projects to give you in-depth knowledge and prepare you for a career as a developer. Gain a competitive edge and become an expert in the most in-demand programming languages and technologies on the market!

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AI_DIGITALSEC | Duration 1 day | 3 terms
AI_UINTRO | Duration 1 day | 8 terms
MSCOP1 | Duration 1 day | 12 terms
AI_NS | Duration 3 days | 10 terms
AIBIZ | Duration 1 day | 4 terms
MOC AI-900 | Duration 1 day | 5 terms
MOC AI-102 | Duration 4 days | 6 terms
PYTHON_ML | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
PYTHON_ML_BP | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
PYTHON_ML_CNN | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
PYTHON_ML_DP | Duration 5 days | No scheduled terms
PYTHON_ML_NN | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
MLC_AIFE | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_ADV | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_AIFM | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_BPP | Duration 5 days | 4 terms
MLC_INTRO | Duration 2 days | 4 terms
MLC_CNIPA | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_NLP | Duration 1 day | 4 terms
MLC_TISE | Duration 1 day | 4 terms
MLC_TISEA | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_BDATA | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_IFT | Duration 5 days | No scheduled terms
MLC_NLPA | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_PGM | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_VJMGT | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
RPA_INTRO | Duration 1 day | 6 terms
RPA_UIP_INTRO | Duration 3 days | 4 terms
RPA_UIP_ADV | Duration 3 days | 1 term
RPA_UIP_FRA | Duration 2 days | 3 terms
RPA_BP_INTRO | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
RPA_BP_ADV | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
GOC26 | Duration 2 days | 9 terms
GOC265 | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
GOC260 | Duration 3 days | 10 terms
GOC261 | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
GOC27 | Duration 3 days | 7 terms
GOC270 | Duration 3 days | 9 terms
GOC28 | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
GOC281 | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
IREB100 | Duration 3 days | 7 terms
BEBA1 | Duration 3 days | 1 term
BEBA2 | Duration 2 days | 1 term
BEBABOK | Duration 3 days | 1 term
BEPECBA | Duration 3 days | No scheduled terms
BEABA | Duration 2 days | 1 term
GOC272 | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
GOC274 | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
GOC2741 | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
GOC271 | Duration 3 days | 4 terms
BESA | Duration 2 days | 1 term
BEIAPI | Duration 2 days | 1 term
GOC261 | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
SCRUM_ACS-CF | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
SCRUM_CSM | Duration 2 days | 8 terms
SCRUM_CSPO | Duration 2 days | 8 terms
SCRUM_CSP-PO | Duration 2 days | 1 term
SCRUM0 | Duration 1 day | 2 terms
SCRUM1 | Duration 2 days | 3 terms
SCRUM1C | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
SCRUM2 | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
SCRUM_CAF | Duration 2 days | 3 terms
SCRUM0 | Duration 1 day | 2 terms
SCRUM1 | Duration 2 days | 3 terms
SCRUM1C | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
SCRUM2 | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
SCRUM_ACS-CF | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
SCRUM_CSM | Duration 2 days | 8 terms
SCRUM_ACSM | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
SCRUM_CSPO | Duration 2 days | 8 terms
SCRUM_DEV | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
SCRUM_CAL | Duration 2 days | 3 terms
SCRUM_CAL2 | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
SCRUM_CSPO2 | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
SCRUM_CSP-PO | Duration 2 days | 1 term
SCRUM_CSP-SM | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
SCRUM_ICP-ACC | Duration 2 days | 1 term
SCRUM_ICP-AHR | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
SCRUM_CAF | Duration 2 days | 3 terms
SCRUM_DAO | Duration 2 days | 1 term
GOC311 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
XMLXSD | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
ASPNET_INTRO | Duration 5 days | 7 terms
ASPNET_ADV | Duration 5 days | 8 terms
ASPNET_DATA | Duration 3 days | 5 terms
ASPNET_WEBAPI | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
ASPNET_BLAZOR | Duration 2 days | 3 terms
GOC3314 | Duration 3 days | 6 terms
GOC3410 | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
JS_ES6 | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
MOC AZ-204 | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
SPO_DEV_1 | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
SPO_DEV_2 | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
DOTNET_UPG | Duration 2 days | 7 terms
GOC2124 | Duration 5 days | 9 terms
GOC2125 | Duration 5 days | 8 terms
GOC2126 | Duration 4 days | 7 terms
GOC407 | Duration 3 days | 7 terms
DOTNET_MAUI | Duration 4 days | 7 terms
DOTNET_WPF | Duration 5 days | 6 terms
DOTNET_TEST | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
TESTING_RESTAPI | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
ASPNET_INTRO | Duration 5 days | 7 terms
ASPNET_ADV | Duration 5 days | 8 terms
ASPNET_DATA | Duration 3 days | 5 terms
GOC3410 | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
CPP_INTRO | Duration 5 days | 8 terms
CPP_OOP | Duration 5 days | 6 terms
GOC1015 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
REGEXP | Duration 1 day | 6 terms
TESTING_RESTAPI | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
DOTNET_UPG | Duration 2 days | 7 terms
GOC2124 | Duration 5 days | 9 terms
GOC2125 | Duration 5 days | 8 terms
GOC2126 | Duration 4 days | 7 terms
GOC407 | Duration 3 days | 7 terms
DOTNET_WPF | Duration 5 days | 6 terms
DOTNET_MAUI | Duration 4 days | 7 terms
GOC3410 | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
GOC2741 | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
GOC274 | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
GOC311 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
MOC AZ-204 | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
DOTNET_TEST | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
TESTING_RESTAPI | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
GOC1015 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
ASPNET_INTRO | Duration 5 days | 7 terms
ASPNET_ADV | Duration 5 days | 8 terms
ASPNET_DATA | Duration 3 days | 5 terms
ASPNET_BLAZOR | Duration 2 days | 3 terms
ASPNET_WEBAPI | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
JAVAPROG1 | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
JAVAPROG2 | Duration 5 days | 7 terms
JAVASPRING | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
JAVADB | Duration 5 days | 5 terms
JDESIGN | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
JAVADOCKER | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
ELASTICSTACK | Duration 3 days | 8 terms
ANDROID1 | Duration 3 days | 8 terms
ANDROID2 | Duration 2 days | 7 terms
KOTLIN1 | Duration 3 days | 3 terms
JSPRINGBOOT1 | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
JTOMCAT | Duration 3 days | 5 terms
TESTING_RESTAPI | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
JS_PROG1 | Duration 5 days | 1 term
JS_PROG2 | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
JS_DOM1 | Duration 3 days | No scheduled terms
JS_DOM2 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
JS_TS1 | Duration 3 days | No scheduled terms
JS_TEST_JEST | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
JS_ASYNC | Duration 3 days | No scheduled terms
JS_AJAX | Duration 2 days | 2 terms
JS_WEBSOCKET | Duration 2 days | 2 terms
JS_JQUERY | Duration 3 days | 1 term
JS_VUE1 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
JS_REACT1 | Duration 5 days | 4 terms
JS_REACT2 | Duration 2 days | 2 terms
JS_ANGULAR1 | Duration 5 days | 1 term
JS_ANGULAR2 | Duration 5 days | No scheduled terms
JS_EXPRESS1 | Duration 5 days | 1 term
JS_SOLID1 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
JS_SVELTE1 | Duration 3 days | No scheduled terms
MONGODB_INTRO | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
INTSASS | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
TESTING_RESTAPI | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
JS_ES6 | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
KOTLIN1 | Duration 3 days | 3 terms
TESTING_RESTAPI | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
MATLAB1 | Duration 2 days | 2 terms
HSMATLAB1 | Duration 1 day | 4 terms
HSMATLAB2 | Duration 1 day | 4 terms
SIMULINK1 | Duration 1 day | 4 terms
SIMULINK2 | Duration 1 day | 4 terms
HSFMASI | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
HSCOMSOL1 | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
HSCOMSOL2 | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
HMSTFLOW | Duration 1 day | 3 terms
HSSCEC | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
HSMATLAB4 | Duration 1 day | 2 terms
HSZSMS | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
PERL | Duration 4 days | 2 terms
PERL2 | Duration 2 days | No scheduled terms
GOC1015 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
WORDPRESS1 | Duration 3 days | 6 terms
INTPH1 | Duration 4 days | 6 terms
INTPH_SEC | Duration 2 days | 4 terms
INTPH_ADV | Duration 2 days | 4 terms
INTPH_OOP | Duration 2 days | 3 terms
REGEXP | Duration 1 day | 6 terms
GOC1015 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
TESTING_RESTAPI | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
PYTHON_INTRO | Duration 5 days | 15 terms
PYTHON_ADV | Duration 5 days | 11 terms
PYTHON_DB | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
PYTHON_ASYNC | Duration 3 days | 7 terms
PYTHON_WEB | Duration 3 days | 3 terms
PYTHON_ML | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
PYTHON_STAT | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
PYTHON_ETL | Duration 5 days | No scheduled terms
PYTHON_DATAN | Duration 5 days | 1 term
PYTHON_DATAN2 | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
PYTHON_DATAN3 | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
PYTHON_VIS | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
PYTHON_BIGDATA | Duration 5 days | No scheduled terms
PYTH_DJANGO | Duration 5 days | 2 terms
TESTING_RESTAPI | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
AD141 | Duration 90 days | No scheduled terms
PYTHON_TEST | Duration 3 days | No scheduled terms
CDSP | Duration 5 days | 4 terms
RPROG1 | Duration 3 days | No scheduled terms
SCALA_INTRO | Duration 3 days | No scheduled terms
TESTING_RESTAPI | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
GOC311 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
MSEX5 | Duration 5 days | 8 terms
MSEX6 | Duration 4 days | 8 terms
GOC26 | Duration 2 days | 9 terms
GOC265 | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
GOC260 | Duration 3 days | 10 terms
INTXM | Duration 2 days | 6 terms
XMLXSD | Duration 2 days | 5 terms
KUBERNETES_INTRO | Duration 3 days | 7 terms
KUBERNETES_ADMIN | Duration 5 days | 4 terms
KUBERNETES_HELM | Duration 3 days | 8 terms
MLC_AIFE | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_BPP | Duration 5 days | 4 terms
MLC_INTRO | Duration 2 days | 4 terms
MLC_CNIP | Duration 1 day | 4 terms
MLC_NLP | Duration 1 day | 4 terms
MLC_TISE | Duration 1 day | 4 terms
MLC_ADV | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_CNIPA | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_NLPA | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
MLC_PGM | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
PRG | Duration 3 days | 12 terms
MSVBA1 | Duration 5 days | 8 terms
MSEX5 | Duration 5 days | 8 terms
MSEX6 | Duration 4 days | 8 terms
MSAC2a | Duration 5 days | No scheduled terms
ANDROID1 | Duration 3 days | 8 terms
ANDROID2 | Duration 2 days | 7 terms
DOTNET_MAUI | Duration 4 days | 7 terms
REGEXP | Duration 1 day | 6 terms
GOC1015 | Duration 3 days | 2 terms
EX183 | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms
AD184 | Duration 5 days | No scheduled terms
DO240 | Duration 3 days | No scheduled terms
AD248 | Duration 5 days | 1 term
AD249 | Duration 5 days | No scheduled terms
EX240 | Duration 1 day | No scheduled terms

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Duration 2 days


Duration 3 days


Duration 2 days


Duration 3 days


Duration 3 days

MOC AZ-104

Duration 4 days


Duration 5 days


Duration 5 days


Duration 3 days


Duration 5 days