In this course you get a lot of practical skills that are needed for developing applications for MS Excel. You learn how to access the file system and write their own procedures for Import / Export, you access an SQL database server and [...]
  • MSEX6
  • Duration 4 days
  • 40 ITK points
  • 5 terms
  • Praha (18 000 Kč)

    Brno (18 000 Kč)

    Bratislava (800 €)

  • Intermediate

In this course you get a lot of practical skills that are needed for developing applications for MS Excel. You learn how to access the file system and write their own procedures for Import / Export, you access an SQL database server and familiarize yourself with objects Connection, Command, and Recordset using ADO library, learn how to create custom forms and interact with the controls, you create add-ins for Excel you know many other options. To attend the course is knowledge of VBA and Excel object model level course MSEX5

  • Working with files and folders.
  • Import / export data
  • Access data from the database
  • Create add-ins
  • Create custom forms and use controls
  • We will teach you much more practical and useful techniques that you use in your applications
  • Knowledge of working in Microsoft Excel.
  • Knowledge of VBA.
  • Knowledge of Excel object model to the level of the course MSEX5.
  • Professional explanation with practical samples and examples.
  • Powerpoint handouts and module printouts.


  • Brief overview of macro recording
  • Brief overview of VBA
  • A brief overview obejktového Excel model


  • Built dialogues Excel
  • Dialogs for working with files

Working with files and folders

  • Object FileSystemObject
  • Reading and writing from a text file
  • Import / Export from Excel

Reading and writing the Windows Registry

  • Reading and writing the Windows Registry
  • Save and load settings

Object-oriented programming

  • Introduction to Object
  • Use properties, methods and events
  • Create and use custom classes
  • Creating and Using Custom Properties
  • Create and use custom events

Basics of creating custom forms

  • Creating a custom form
  • Lifecycle form
  • Load and close the form
  • Basic usage controls

Adapting the work environment of Excel

  • Creating toolbars and menus
  • Creating a custom Ribon

Creating complementary addin for excel

  • What is an Add-On (Add-In)
  • Add-In Manager
  • Create a custom add-ins
  • Optimization Add-Inu

Communication with data sources

  • Library ADO and OLEDB provider
  • Connection object and connect to SQL Server
  • Command object
  • Recordset object

.Net Framework

  • The architecture of the .NET Framework
  • Visual Basic .Net
  • Visual Studio .Net
  • Excel.Application use of .Net
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.