The course covers advanced process automation techniques in UiPath. The aim is to extend the basic development skills with specific knowledge of databases, OCR, RegEx, Web-automation, Reusable components (Library), Framework, Orchestrator [...]
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 2 terms
  • Praha (11 800 Kč)

    Brno (11 800 Kč)

    Bratislava (440 €)

  • Intermediate

The course covers advanced process automation techniques in UiPath. The aim is to extend the basic development skills with specific knowledge of databases, OCR, RegEx, Web-automation, Reusable components (Library), Framework, Orchestrator (tenancy, CRON expression, Swagger API ...) and documentation (SDD / DSD). Knowledge of UiPath Studio, Robot and Orchestrator is already assumed.

  • For developers who need to extend their knowledge beyond the basics of UiPath
  • Basic knowledge of the principles of process automation and UiPath tools at the RPA_UIP_INTRO and RPA_UIP_ADV course level
  • Experience automating 2+ processes with UiPath
  • Knowledge of UiPath Studio, Robot and Orchestrator
  • Expert explanation with practical examples, computer exercises.
  • Sample documentation created according to best practice (SDD + DSD)
  • Sample workflow from each topic
  • 1. den - Orchestrator & amp; Framework (REF)
  • Attended x Unattended
  • Orchestrator - Tenancy
  • Orchestrator - CRON expression,
  • Orchestrator - Swagger API
  • Process API
  • Framework - queue / noqueue
  • REF Functionality
  • Modifying REF
  • 2. den - Framework + Advanced Automation Techniques
    • Create your own Framework
    • Databases
    • OCR + RegEx
    • Web-automation
    • Reusable components - workflow X library; creating your own library, the right library in Orchestrator
    • Documentation (SDD / DSD)

    Course continuity:

    • This course is preceded by [RPA_INTRO], [RPA_UIP_INTRO] and [RPA_UIP_ADV]
    Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.