The course is intended for all developers who want to learn advanced methods of developing applications on the Android platform, such as working in the background and communicating with remote web services. You will also try working with [...]
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 6 terms
  • Praha (9 000 Kč)

    Brno (9 000 Kč)

    Bratislava (400 €)

  • Intermediate

The course is intended for all developers who want to learn advanced methods of developing applications on the Android platform, such as working in the background and communicating with remote web services. You will also try working with sensors, device location and Google Maps. To work with Google Maps, it is advisable to use your own Android device (it is not a requirement).

  • Work with background data and UI
  • Network communication in android
  • Integration with web services and applications (Google maps, Push notifications, Firebase Console)
  • Advanced work with hardware in the device (sensors, modern location services FusedLocationAPI)
  • Services, AIDL
  • Broadcasts, Alarms, Widgets
  • The course assumes knowledge and experience with programming in Kotlin at the level of the course [KOTLIN1]
  • The course assumes knowledge and experience with programming on the Android platform at the level of the course [ANDROID1]
  • Expert interpretation with practical examples, exercises on computers. The course is led by a lecturer with developer experience
  • Presentation of the material discussed in printed or online form

Working with background data and UI

  • Main Thread, Handler and Looper
  • Threads and AsyncTask,TimerTask

Working with the network

  • Web services - Google Cloud Messaging and push notifications
  • XML and JSON parsing and creation

Google Maps

  • SDK settings
  • API registration, use

Locations and sensors

  • Device location via GPS and network
  • Fused location API versus LocationManager
  • Reading data from sensors and law

WebView component

  • Using, calling methods on Java objects via JavaScript


  • started and bounded services
  • IntentService and its usage
  • Binding services and AIDL

Broadcast receivers

  • Creation of a broadcast receiver and its use


  • Use of alarm
  • Reset the alarm when the device starts
  • setting the exact repeat alarm in the new SDKs


  • Pending Intent
  • Creating a notification in the system bar

Optional topics

  • Desktop widgets
  • Publication of applications, Google Play
  • Audio and video

Something extra

  • Parcelable vs. Serializable
  • 9-patch, image caching
  • Sparce array
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.