The very basic, five-days course which provides students with all the necessary knowledge to understand, deploy, operate and troubleshoot basic networking technologies based on IPv4 and TCP/UDP protocol suites. The course discusses also topics [...]
  • GOC2
  • Duration 5 days
  • 50 ITK points
  • 16 terms
  • Praha (25 000 Kč)

    Brno (25 000 Kč)

    Bratislava (900 €)

  • Beginner

The very basic, five-days course which provides students with all the necessary knowledge to understand, deploy, operate and troubleshoot basic networking technologies based on IPv4 and TCP/UDP protocol suites. The course discusses also topics such as DNS, DHCP or IP routing and NAT.

This course is intended for workers responsible for service and net administartion in a company.
In this course students learn about nets (mainly about TCP/IP), which are necessary for every administrator.
OS - Windows Server

Introduction, net examples, network environment formation

  • Net range.
  • Components which partake in network environment formation.
  • Network topology.
  • Network technology.

    RM ISO/OSI model

  • Origin of ISO/OSI model
  • Seven layers of the model
  • Data transport
  • Kinds of service

    Network protocol

  • Protocols and data transport.
  • Common protocols used in network environment.
  • Other communication proptocols.
  • Protocols used in RAS connection.

    Protocol TCP/IP

  • Set of protocol TCP/IP.
  • Translation of the names on TCP/IP nets.
  • Description of data transfer process.
  • Data heading accross nets.

    Addressing using protocol IP

  • IP address classes.
  • Subneting.
  • Planning of the address area.
  • Configuration of the protocol TCP/IP.

    Hostsearching optimalization in nets using IP address

  • Binary IP address entry.
  • Binary „subnet mask“ entry.
  • Hostsearching process in the net and data transfer.

    Possibilities of net monitoring

  • Network monitor
  • Networking analysis
  • Solving of network problems

    Automatic allocation of Protocol (IP) addresses

  • DHCP summary
  • Installation of DHCP service
  • Autorization of DHCP service
  • DHCP "Scope" creation and configuration
  • DHCP functions adaptation
  • DHCP configuration in direction IP environment
  • DHCP support

    Implementation of name differentiation using DNS

  • Question process DNS summary
  • DNS service installation
  • Configuration of the name differentiation on clients
  • Zone creation and configuration
  • Configuration of DNS for internal use
  • DNS and DHCP integration
  • Support and solving of problems on DNS servers

    Configuration Windows server as a router

  • Routers and routing tables summary
  • Network connection configuration
  • Routing and Remote Access services
  • Configuration of static ways
  • Configuration of Routing Information Protocol

    Access to Internet configuration

  • Possibilities of network connection to Internet
  • Access to Internet using Router
  • Access to Internet using address translation (NAT)
  • Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.