This course is intended for all programmers who have experience programming in C # and want to get more practical knowledge and skills. The course will learn how to use modern language extensions, generic data types, delegates, lambda [...]
  • GOC2125
  • Duration 5 days
  • 50 ITK points
  • 11 terms
  • Praha (23 000 Kč)

    Brno (23 000 Kč)

    Bratislava (1 000 €)

  • Intermediate

This course is intended for all programmers who have experience programming in C # and want to get more practical knowledge and skills. The course will learn how to use modern language extensions, generic data types, delegates, lambda expressions, extension methods, LINQ. You will learn the version's assemblies and use GAC, memory management using the Garbage Collector, to serialize the data and use streams, to write applications communicating over the network and understand the basics of asynchronous programming.

  • A brief overview of the .Net platform and the C# language
  • Brief recap of PPE
  • Generic data types
  • Selected language extensions of the latest versions
  • Delegates, Lambda expressions and LINQ
  • Compiler Directives, Attributes and Assemblies
  • Memory and Resource Management and Garbage Collector
  • Reading and writing data using streams. Using CryptoStream.
  • Data serialization
  • Basics of asynchronous programming
  • The course assumes knowledge and experience with programming in the C# language at the level of the GOC2124 course
  • The course can be taken without prior knowledge of c# and the .Net platform, but in that case a very good programming knowledge of other platforms and languages such as Java or C++ is required.
  • Expert interpretation with practical examples, exercises on computers.
  • Printed presentations of the discussed material.

A brief overview of the .Net platform and the C# language

  • Overview of the .Net platform
  • Basic command line tools
  • A brief overview of the basic concepts of PPE
  • Class and static members
  • Inheritance and polymorphism
  • Virtual methods and shading
  • Interface

Generic data types

  • Generic types and type safety
  • Generic classes
  • Generic interface
  • Generic methods
  • Generic collections

Operator overloading

  • Introduction to overloading operators
  • Implicit and explicit overloading

Delegates and events

  • Definition and use of delegates
  • Callback usage
  • Using events

An extension of the language of previous versions

  • Keyword "var"
  • Partial Classes
  • Nullable Types and Operators ??, ?., ?[
  • Automatic properties
  • Tuples
  • Discards, Out variables, Deconstructions
  • Extension methods
  • Optional and named parameters
  • Object Initializers

Delegates Lambda expressions and LINQ

  • Anonymous types
  • Lambda expressions
  • Generic delegates
  • IEnumerable and IQueryable
  • Closure
  • Covariance and Contravariance

Pattern Matching

  • Pattern Matching Overview
  • Switch Pattern Matching
  • Is Pattern Matching
  • Switch Pattern Expression and Expression Bodies


  • Introduction to Records
  • Mutability
  • Value Equality

Assemblies and attributes

  • Compiler directives and conditional compilation
  • Assemblies and the use of attributes

Memory and Resource Management and Garbage Collector

  • Garbage Collector
  • Implicit and Explicit release of resources
  • Interface IDisposable
  • Using and IDisposable
  • Weak references
  • Generation

Reading and writing data using streams

  • Introduction to streams
  • Using the FileStream class
  • BinaryReader and BinaryWriter
  • StreamReader and StreamWriter
  • Using the FileInfo class
  • Using the FileSystemWatcher class
  • Using the CryptoStream class

Data serialization

  • Introduction to serialization
  • Shallow and deep serialization
  • XML serialization
  • Serialization Binary
  • JSON serialization
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.