This course is designed for JS programmers who have already mastered the syntax of the language and are ready to learn the more complex concepts introduced by the functional and object-oriented paradigm.Participants will also learn about error [...]
  • JS_PROG2
  • Duration 5 days
  • 50 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (38 500 Kč)

    Brno (38 500 Kč)

    Bratislava (1 650 €)

  • Intermediate

This course is designed for JS programmers who have already mastered the syntax of the language and are ready to learn the more complex concepts introduced by the functional and object-oriented paradigm.Participants will also learn about error handling, working with JSON data, and the basics of asynchronous programming. The goal is to move from programming isolated algorithms to application development. The course assumes knowledge of basic JavaScript syntax at the [JS_PROG1] course level.


This course is designed for JS programmers who have already mastered the syntax of the language and are ready to learn the more complex concepts introduced by the functional and object-oriented paradigms.

  • the basics of object-oriented programming in JS
  • basics of functional programming in JS
  • error management in JS
  • serialization and deserialization of objects into JSON format
  • basics of asynchronous programming in JS
  • Basic knowledge of algorithmization and programming at the level of the PRG course, or experience with programming in another language.
  • The course is not suitable for complete beginners who have never programmed in any programming language

Introduction and basic concepts

  • Brief recap of JS basics
  • Using var, let, const
  • Value and reference types


  • Functions as objects
  • Local functions
  • Overloading functions
  • Function arguments
  • Self-Invoked Functions
  • Closures
  • Arrow functions

Object Oriented Programming

  • Object initializer
  • Construction functions
  • Class
  • Prototype
  • Methods, bind(), arrow function and this
  • Nullish Coalescing Operator
  • Optional Chaining

Error handling a debugging

  • Try...catch a finally
  • Custom Error objects
  • Debugging techniques in modern browsers and Node.js
  • Using a debugger

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

  • Parsing and serializing JSON data
  • Working with JSON within applications

Introduction to asynchronous programming

  • Timers (setTimeout, setInterval)
  • Promise and async / await (basic usage)
  • Handling multiple asynchronous operations (Promise.all, Promise.race)
  • Observable (basic usage)
  • Event Loop and how it works
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.