This course is designed for JavaScript programmers who want to improve their ability to write asynchronous code in this language. We will show you how to use built-in asynchronous mechanisms such as timers, fetch functions, or asynchronous [...]
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (23 100 Kč)

    Brno (23 100 Kč)

    Bratislava (990 €)

  • Intermediate

This course is designed for JavaScript programmers who want to improve their ability to write asynchronous code in this language. We will show you how to use built-in asynchronous mechanisms such as timers, fetch functions, or asynchronous filesystem access from Node.js. We'll explain the Promise object and the async and await keywords, as well as the external rxjs library and its Observables. This course assumes moderately advanced knowledge of JavaScript at the [JS_PROG2] course level.


This course is designed for JavaScript programmers who want to improve their skills in writing asynchronous code in this language.

  • The difference between asynchronous and parallel programming
  • How the JS event loop works
  • Built-in asynchronous functions
  • The importance of callbacks in asynchronous programming
  • Promise and async / await pattern
  • Reactive JS and Observables
  • Knowledge of JavaScript at the course level [JS_PROG2].

Introduction to asynchronous programming

  • Timers (setTimeout, setInterval)
  • Promise and async / await (basic usage)
  • Observable (basic usage)
  • Asynchronous vs. parallel

JS event loop



  • Creating a promise
  • How to combine Promises

rxjs and Observable

  • Creating an Observable
  • rxjs operators
  • synchronizing multiple Observables

Asynchronous denerators

  • what is a generator
  • how to write an asynchronous generator
Current offer
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Course language

The prices are without VAT.