This course will teach existing developers how to use Regular Expressions like a very efficient way of work with strings for searching, replacing or dividing. This course is platform independent and a new knowledge you can use in languages [...]
  • Duration 1 day
  • 10 ITK points
  • 5 terms
  • Praha (4 200 Kč)

    Brno (4 200 Kč)

    Bratislava (185 €)

  • Beginner

This course will teach existing developers how to use Regular Expressions like a very efficient way of work with strings for searching, replacing or dividing. This course is platform independent and a new knowledge you can use in languages like JavaScript, PHP, ASP/ASP.NET, Perl or Python.


Regular Expressions Introduction

  • Brief history of Regular Expressions
  • How a Regex Engine Works Internally
  • Useful dialects: POSIX extended, PCRE

Regular Expressions Basics

  • Literal Characters and Special Characters
  • Unicode Characters and Properties
  • Word Boundaries
  • Modifiers
  • Quantifiers
    • Repetition Using Various Quantifiers
    • Optional Items
    • Alternation
  • Grouping & Backreferences
  • Character Classes or Character Sets
  • Continuing from The Previous Match Attempt

Construction of Regular Expressions

  • Creating Regular Expressions
  • Regular Expressions Samples
  • Using Regular Expressions in some tools and systems like GREP, AWK, JavaScript, PERL, PHP.
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