Complete this course and get 90 days access to practice in e-learning version for free. You can choose the e-learning course in Czech, Slovak or English. This course is recommended for users, who need to learn quickly the basics of work [...]
  • MSEX1
  • Duration 1 day
  • 0 ITK points
  • 26 terms
  • Praha (1 599 Kč)

    Brno (1 599 Kč)

    Bratislava (65 €)

  • Beginner

Complete this course and get 90 days access to practice in e-learning version for free. You can choose the e-learning course in Czech, Slovak or English. This course is recommended for users, who need to learn quickly the basics of work with Microsoft Excel. We will teach beginning users to create, edit and print common documents. You learn how to create and format simple tables with calculations and graphs.


This course is assigned for users, who have never worked with Microsoft Excel of any version.

You learn how to create and format simple tables with calculations and graphs.

PC and Windows - elementary level


  • Basics of the work with tables

Basics of the work with tables

  • Moving from here to there in table
  • Selecting of cells
  • Inserting and replacing
  • Row height and column width
  • Moving and copying

Cell formatting

  • Cell formatting
  • AutoFormat

Managing files

  • Saving a file
  • Opening a file
  • Creating a new file
  • Switching among windows
  • Copying and moving using clipboard


  • Page setup
  • Preview
  • Print

Calculations in tables

  • AutoSum function
  • Creating formulas
  • Insert function wizard


  • Creating a chart
  • Chart formatting



Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.