The course is intended for everyone who wants to design IS using an object-oriented approach. Course participants will learn how to create consistent system models in UML, the fundamentals of the object-oriented approach and its application in [...]
  • GOC28
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 3 terms
  • Praha (10 600 Kč)

    Brno (10 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (460 €)

  • Beginner

The course is intended for everyone who wants to design IS using an object-oriented approach. Course participants will learn how to create consistent system models in UML, the fundamentals of the object-oriented approach and its application in developing an information system based on a business processes model.

The course is intended primarily for developers who want to design IS using an object-oriented approach.
  • Applying UML and object methods to IS design
  • Building a Use Case model
  • Creating a verbal scenario
  • Designing an analytical model
  • Using class diagrams
  • Dividing the system into modules
  • Separating the user interface and
  • Application logic

    Required skills

    Basic UML skills at course level GOC26

    Course Outline

    Introduction to the terminology and theory

    • Introduction to object methods (OM)
    • Applying UML and OM to IS design

    Deriving an IS from business processes

    • Building a Use Case model
      • Basic procedure
      • Practical tips and tricks
      • Example and practice
    • Creating verbal scenarios
      • Basic procedure
      • Practical tips and tricks
      • Example and practice

    Designing an analytical model

    • Sequence diagram
      • Basic procedure
      • Practical tips and tricks
      • Example and practice
    • Activity diagram
      • Basic procedure
      • Practical tips and tricks
      • Example and practice
    • Class diagram
      • Basic procedure
      • Practical tips and tricks
      • Example and practice
    • Checking the model’s consistency
    • Legibility and comprehensibility of diagrams

    System design

    • Designing system architecture
    • Dividing the system into modules
    • Separating the user interface and application logic
    • Link between object and data model
    • Putting modules into development

    Final recommendations

    • Using case tools
    • Creating documentation
    • Practical tips and tricks
  • Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.