The course is intended for developers and architects on the .NET platform and will provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop data-oriented applications using the latest Entity Framework technology.
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 3 terms
  • Praha (13 800 Kč)

    Brno (13 800 Kč)

    Bratislava (600 €)

  • Intermediate

The course is intended for developers and architects on the .NET platform and will provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop data-oriented applications using the latest Entity Framework technology.

  • You get an overall overview
  • You will learn to use LINQ and querying relational databases
  • You will learn how to project changes to a data source using Savechanges
  • You will learn to use Migrations
  • The course assumes knowledge and experience with C# programming at the level of the GOC2125 course
  • The course can be taken without prior knowledge of c# and the .Net platform, but in that case a very good programming knowledge of other platforms and languages such as Java or C++ is required.
  • Expert interpretation with practical examples, exercises on computers.
  • Printed presentations of the discussed material.

Introductory overview

  • History
  • NuGet packages
  • Model


  • Entities
  • Property
  • Keys, alternative keys
  • Generated ID
  • Association
  • Backing fields
  • Owned types
  • Model Level Filters
  • Table Splitting, Table Sharing
  • Heredity, TPT, TPH
  • Value Converters, Value Comparators
  • Keyless entities
  • ctor parameters
  • Query tags
  • Shadow properties
  • Shared entities, property bags
  • Flexible mapping
  • Seeding


  • LINQ, parameters
  • pure SQL
  • function
  • query compilation
  • Include, Explicit loading, Filtered Include
  • Lazy Loading
  • Split queries
  • tracking, no tracking queries


  • validation
  • batching
  • ID generation
  • transactions
  • ChangeTracker
  • concurrency


  • work with migrations
  • touch ef
  • IMigrator
  • script, idempotent, transaction

Other platforms

  • Works on other platforms
  • Working with "other" DBs
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.