Would you like to learn more about Agile methods and Scrum process? Course provide an extended education of Agile methods and Scrum process. It's great next step for managers, ScrumMasters, Product Owners and team members who want to [...]
  • SCRUM2
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (15 600 Kč)

    Brno (15 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (695 €)

  • Beginner

Would you like to learn more about Agile methods and Scrum process?

Course provide an extended education of Agile methods and Scrum process. It's great next step for managers, ScrumMasters, Product Owners and team members who want to shift their Agile transformation to the next level and make it truly successful.

You will try new practices and methods extending the core Agile and Scrum framework. This workshop is a great base to adopt Agile at your organization or team.

This workshop is also covering the core scaling principles, which helps you to apply Scrum to bigger organizations and projects. Going Agile, is not about the technology and particular project specifics, but more about the willingness to accept new ideas, new way of doing things and readiness to change. Course is designed as an interactive workshop and the participants will directly try the discussed principles. As Agile methods are about the principles which may vary between the companies, teams and projects; the course will cover real case-studies from different business and company cultures as well.

The course is also recommended as an extension to certification ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP), Certified Scrum Master (CSM), and Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO).

The workshop is facilitated by experienced trainers, who are certified by the most well known Agile and Scrum certification authorities. They are approved as trainers of ICAgile a are certified by the Scrum Alliance: CSM - Certified Scrum Master, CSPO - Certified Scrum Product Owner, a CSP - Certified Scrum Professional.

  • Directors.
  • Team leaders.
  • ScrumMasters.
  • Product Owners.
  • Developers and testers - who are using agile in their daily life.
  • The course is great value for those who are already certified Scrum Masters (CSM) and certified Scrum Product Owners (CSPO).
  • Experience with SCRUM process and Agile methods.
  • Additional Agile practices and advanced understanding of the Scrum process.
  • Best practices of Agile adoption, what went well and what didn't. How to implement Scrum process.
  • How to implement Scrum at multiple teams and big projects, Scrum Scaling.
  • Directly try Agile principles for model situations.
  • Discussion and case-studies.
  • Professional explanation with practical samples and examples.
  • Powerpoint handouts and module printouts.
  • Introduction and expectations. Terminology, share with others the current state of Agile with its benefits and problems.
  • Agile methods and Scrum process: practices, tips, tricks.
  • Team creation process, efficiency, quality.
  • Team collaboration.
  • Sprint Planning, estimations, planning Poker and other estimation and prioritization techniques.
  • RetrospektiveRetrospective, experiments, innovations.
  • Customer collaboration.
  • Scrum scaling and Scrum adoption in large projects and companies.
  • Practical case studies and simulations.

During the course, we can discuss your particular case and let the other participants to help you from their experiences on:

  • Chosen methods,
  • Parameters of Scrum process,
  • Customer involvement,
  • Tools.
Current offer
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