This course is intended for developers who already have programming in PHP have some experience and want their ability to move on coping now almost essential object-oriented programming. The course discussed how the principles of [...]
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 2 terms
  • Praha (8 200 Kč)

    Brno (8 200 Kč)

    Bratislava (360 €)

  • Beginner

This course is intended for developers who already have programming in PHP have some experience and want their ability to move on coping now almost essential object-oriented programming. The course discussed how the principles of object-oriented programming in general, and their proper application in PHP that lets you creating scalable and long term maintainable web applications.

  • Basic principles of OOP in general
  • Using object-oriented PHP
  • OOP principles production quality code
  • To get the training took as much as needed to control at least the basics of procedural PHP - variable field conditions, loops, functions, etc.
  • Knowledge required, you can check the following exercises that you should manage without hesitation:
  • Create a variable $ items and place in the field multiple values.
  • Create a function PrintHTML ($ data), which receives the field, and it lists its value as a bulleted list in HTML.
  • Try the call to PrintHTML () and give it a variable $ items.
  • Treat breeding function PrintHTML () for an empty field
  • Professional explanation with practical samples and examples.
  • Powerpoint handouts and module printouts.

Basic principles of OOP:

  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Composition
  • Heredity
  • The exception handling

Using principles of OOP in PHP:

  • Interface
  • Static methods
  • Abstract classes and methods
  • Autoloading
  • Type hinting
  • Magical Methods
  • Design Patterns

News in new versions of PHP

  • Namespaces
  • Traits
  • Generators
  • Anonymous functions (closures)
  • Correct work with passwords
  • News in PHP 7
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.