Praha (16 200 Kč)
Brno (16 200 Kč)
Bratislava (690 €)
The course is intended for experienced developers who would like to improve their knowledge and want to learn about parallel and asynchronous applications. There will learn the basics of threads and objects and familiarize themselves with the products which enable this kind of programming. A lot of these new features come with .NET Framework 4 (e.g. Task Parallel Library) and 4.5 (e.g.async/await). We will talk about the differences and find solutions for dealing with IO bound and CPU bound problems. We will also look at Power Threading Library. In the last few lessons of the course we will concentrate on the solutions dealing with the synchronization such as locky, mutexes, lock-free operations and we will also talk about their specifice and the suitability to particular solutions.
To create applications which will use all power of HW and therefore they
are quicker
Applications which are scaling well on new devices
To think
about the basic problems and system sources in a new innovated way
Experience with creation of the application in C# languag
IO bound operations
CPU bound operations
NET 4.5
Power Threading Library
The prices are without VAT.