The key to a successful accomplishment of your software projects, and not only them, is to understand properly the customers’ needs and expectations. This course will help you to incorporate some new methods and processes of customer [...]
  • IREB100
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 14 terms
  • Praha (21 900 Kč)

    Brno (21 900 Kč)

    Bratislava (950 €)

  • Intermediate

The key to a successful accomplishment of your software projects, and not only them, is to understand properly the customers’ needs and expectations. This course will help you to incorporate some new methods and processes of customer requirements elicitation and management into your projects, or at least to improve the applied ones. Thanks to the course, you will also embrace the correct terminology and will get a chance to prepare yourself perfectly for the internationally recognized certified examination CPRE-FL (Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering – Foundation Level) provided by the non-profit association IREB (The International Requirements Engineering Board). The exam is included in the cost of the training.


The course is intended most of all for business analysts, system analysts, project managers, quality managers and all others who are involved in the requirements definition and engineering. This training is suited to prepare the participants for the CPRE-FL exam, which is included in the cost of the training (exam voucher).

  • To understand various techniques of requirements elicitation
  • To reveal the most common reasons for ill-formulation of requirements
  • Requirements modeling by using relevant UML diagrams
  • The basic principles and techniques of requirements validation for unambiguity and comprehensibility
  • The relevant attributes of tools for requirements elicitation and management
  • At least some minimum skills in software development, at any position
  • Voucher for certification exam CPRE-FL (Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering - Foundation Level) is included in the cost of the training. The online proctored exam is in English and takes 75 minutes.
  • Professional explanation with practical samples and examples.
  • Certification exam CPRE-FL in writing on paper right after the training

The book “Requirements Engineering Fundamentals: Fundamentals, Principles, and Techniques” by Klaus Pohl

System and System Context

  • System, System Context and Boundaries
  • Determining System and Context Boundaries

Requirements Elicitation

  • Requirements Sources
  • Requirements Categorization according to the Kano Model
  • Elicitation Techniques

Requirements Documentation

  • Documentation Design
  • Documentation Types
  • Documentation Structures
  • Use of Requirements Documents
  • Quality Criteria the for Requirements Document
  • Quality Criteria for Requirements

Documentation of Requirements using Natural Language

  • Language Effects
  • Requirements Constructions using Templates

ModelBased Documentation of Requirements

  • The term “Model”
  • Goal model
  • UseCases
  • Three Perspectives (Data, Functional, Behavioural) on Requirements

Requirements Validation and Negotiation

  • Fundamentals of Validation and Negotiation
  • Quality Aspects of Requirements
  • Principles and Techniques of Validation

Requirements NegotiationRequirements Management

  • Assigning Attributes to Requirements
  • Views of Requirements
  • Requirements Prioritizing
  • Requirements Tracebility
  • Versioning of Requirements
  • Management of Requirements Changes

Tool Support

  • Types of Tools
  • Introducing Tools
  • Evaluating Tools
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.