The course is intended for all who want to learn about using and creating XSD schemas for XML documents. Importance and use schemes in relation to the development of Web services is constantly growing. On the course you will learn to use [...]
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 3 terms
  • Praha (9 200 Kč)

    Brno (9 200 Kč)

    Bratislava (400 €)

  • Beginner

The course is intended for all who want to learn about using and creating XSD schemas for XML documents. Importance and use schemes in relation to the development of Web services is constantly growing. On the course you will learn to use ready-made patterns and create their own, including the difficult conditions for verifying the accuracy of the contents of an XML document. During the course, working with a tool Altova XMLSpy, MapForce, and StyleVision.

  • Understand finished XSD
  • Create a custom XSD
  • Create limitation values for XML data
  • Use ready schemes for generating data and conversion between schemas
  • Basic knowledge of XML within the scope of the course INTXML
  • Professional explanation with practical samples and examples.
  • Powerpoint handouts and module printouts.

History of XML data format description

  • DTD
  • XDR
  • XSD

Basics XSD

  • Verification of XML document using XSD
  • Create a custom XSD
  • Defining basic schemes
  • Using simple limiting conditions
  • Generating XML from XSD

XML and namaspace

  • XML namespace
  • Namespace declarations and their use
  • Rules for namespace

Complex types in XSD

  • What is this complex type
  • Creating custom complex types
  • Types of restrictions
  • Using ready-made type libraries

Use diagrams

  • Validation documents using schemas
  • Conversion into a readable form using schemes
  • Conversion between schemes
  • Code generation for conversion
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.