Course deals with applying “Design patterns”. You will learn to use patterns by analyze, architecture, design, programming, so-called idioms and re-factorization patterns, performance tuning patterns and testing patterns. During the course [...]
  • GOC274
  • Duration 5 days
  • 50 ITK points
  • 6 terms
  • Praha (23 000 Kč)

    Brno (23 000 Kč)

    Bratislava (1 100 €)

  • Intermediate

Course deals with applying “Design patterns”. You will learn to use patterns by analyze, architecture, design, programming, so-called idioms and re-factorization patterns, performance tuning patterns and testing patterns. During the course will be shown range of techniques, methods, procedures and practices called "Best Practices" useful in particular phases and disciplines of software development. The goal of this course is to facilitate understanding principles of patterns using by means of practical examples. During whole course it works on case study individually and in teams by lector leading.


The course is intended primarily for developers who want to extend self knowledge portfolio in scope of qualified software development. Project manager, analytic, architect, designer, developer, tester - all software professions have to use or well understand patterns and so-called “best practices”.

· Correctly understand patterns by software development.

· Applying patterns in object analyze, architecture, design.

· Patterns using by object programming, testing and optimizing.

Experiances with programming in c# or VB .Net and basics of Object Oriented Programming


· What is a Pattern?

· What Makes a Pattern?

· Pattern Categories

· Relationships between Patterns

· Pattern Description

· Patterns and Software Architecture

Architectural Patterns

· Pipes and Filters

· Blackboard

· Distributed Systems

· Broker

Current offer
Training location
Course language

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