The course is designed for all who want to learn the basics of UML and the possibilities of its use in the analysis and design of information systems. The course will introduce the basic symbols of the UML diagrams and individual connections [...]
  • GOC26
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 7 terms
  • Praha (11 200 Kč)

    Brno (11 200 Kč)

    Bratislava (480 €)

  • Beginner

The course is designed for all who want to learn the basics of UML and the possibilities of its use in the analysis and design of information systems. The course will introduce the basic symbols of the UML diagrams and individual connections between them.

  • We explain the importance of modeling
  • Explain the benefits of UML
  • You get an overview of the basic elements and diagrams, UML
  • The course is intended for analysts and developers who want to learn the basics of UML.
  • Professional explanation with practical samples and examples.
  • Powerpoint handouts and module printouts.


  • The purpose and benefits of modeling
  • Types of modeling
  • Static modeling
  • Dynamic modeling

Introduction to the Unified Modeling Language (UML)

  • History of UML
  • What is and what is not UML

Formation diagrams and their use

    Diagram negotiations (use case diagram)

    • Purpose
    • The basic elements of the diagram
    • Assembly Procedures
    • Following further diagrams
    • Examples and exercises

    Packages (packages)

    • Purpose
    • Examples and exercises

    The class diagram (class diagram)

    • Purpose
    • The basic elements of the diagram
    • Assembly Procedures
    • Following further diagrams
    • Examples and exercises

    Object diagram (diagram object)

    • Purpose
    • The basic elements of the diagram
    • Assembly Procedures
    • Following further diagrams
    • Examples and exercises

    Activity diagram (activity diagram)

    • Purpose
    • The basic elements of the diagram
    • Assembly Procedures
    • Following further diagrams
    • Examples and exercises

    Interaction - Sequence diagram (sequence diagram)

    • Purpose
    • The basic elements of the diagram
    • Assembly Procedures
    • Following further diagrams
    • Examples and exercises

    State diagram (statechart)

    • Purpose
    • The basic elements of the diagram
    • Assembly Procedures
    • Following further diagrams
    • Examples and exercises
    Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.