Five-days instructor-led course teaches basics of handling the command line, pipe and scripting, and basic programming of simpler functions in both PowerShell and PowerShell Core, how to use basic language elements such as the pipe, variables, [...]
  • GOC216
  • Duration 5 days
  • 50 ITK points
  • 12 terms
  • Praha (22 500 Kč)

    Brno (22 500 Kč)

    Bratislava (1 000 €)

  • Intermediate

Five-days instructor-led course teaches basics of handling the command line, pipe and scripting, and basic programming of simpler functions in both PowerShell and PowerShell Core, how to use basic language elements such as the pipe, variables, conditions, methods and NET types, functions, exception handling and error management, module development and remote connections using PowerShell Remoting (PSRemoting) over both HTTPS and SSH. The training is suitable for IT admins, developers as well as DevOps and the knowledge at this level is necessary to attend more advanced and more specialized PowerShell tranings.


Knowledge in extent of the courses which are listed in the bellow sections Previous Courses and Related Courses

Versions of PowerShell and PowerShell Core and their support requirements
Working with the command line interface and built-in GUI tool PowerShell_ISE, overview of Visual Studio options
Running built-in EXE programs, cmdlets and calling .NET static methods
Command line interpreter syntax
Expression parsing in developper mode
Basic elements of the command line, pipe and its features
Introduction to types, classes and objects, their properties and methods
Examples of common built-in cmdlets for operating system administration such as Get-, Set-, New-, Add-, Move- etc.
Getting help, command syntax, aliases and commenting
Concept of PSDrive, working with files, registry and certificates
Running scripts from BAT files, scheduled tasks and using psexec
Remote connections with PSRemoting (Enter-PSSession)
Typed variables, value casting and automatic value conversions
Basic data types such as integers, strings, datetime, GUID, enum etc.
Working with CIM and WMI, random number generators, downloading and parsing web pages, access web services
Working with text files, CSV/TSV files, INI and XML files, input and output from/to files
Basic language elements such as if, while, do, for, foreach etc.
Introduction into building more complex functions and creating PowerShell modules
Handling errors and exceptions (try, catch, finally)

Most Microsoft certification exams do not require students to attend an official MOC course in order to pass the exam. This applies to all certifications except for MCM
Official Microsoft MOC courses as well as our own GOC courses are good ways of preparation for Microsoft certifications such as MCP, MTA, MCSA, MCSE or MCM
This does not mean that official MOC courses would serve as the only necessary praparation. The primary goal of an MOC course is to provide for sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical experience to effectively work with the related product
MOC courses usually cover most of the topics required by their respective certification exams, but often do not give every topic the same amount of time and emphassis as may be required to completelly pass the exam

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