The course covers more advanced automation techniques using the Blue prism RPA tool. The course is suitable for moderately to intermediate participants who already have real experience working in the RPa tool Blue prism. In the course, in [...]
  • Duration 3 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 2 terms
  • Praha (17 700 Kč)

    Brno (17 700 Kč)

    Bratislava (880 €)

  • Intermediate

The course covers more advanced automation techniques using the Blue prism RPA tool. The course is suitable for moderately to intermediate participants who already have real experience working in the RPa tool Blue prism. In the course, in three days, each participant of the training will be able to get acquainted with more advanced functionalities and development options in the Blue prism tool. The participant will thus have the opportunity to develop their existing basic knowledge of the principles and possibilities of developing robots for simple processes using this tool.

  • For anyone who wants to automate processes through RPA Blue prism.
  • General knowledge of RPA + ideally experience with creating macros. Any experience with object-oriented programming methods is an advantage.
  • Knowledge at the level of the entry course RPA_BP_INTRO
  • Expert explanation with practical examples, exercises on computers.
  • Substance dossier
  • Day 1 - Control Room
    • Download and install the trial version of Blue Prism (if the participant did not complete the RPA II course or does not
    • license available on your workstation)
    • A more detailed introduction - what a Control Room is and what it is used for
    • General information about BP infrastructure and the use of the Control Room
    • BPResource settings
    • Processing queues
    • Scheduler
    • Startup variable, Session variable
  • Day 2 - Debugging
    • Logging and audit trail
    • Advanced Use of the Application Modeler
    • Manage variables and arguments
    • Debugging and bug fixes in the process
    • Development of components and their connection to the entire workflow
    • Component testing and argument definition
    • Error handling and exception handling
  • Day 3 - Working with documents in RPA
    • Identify eligible documents for RPA
    • Automated digital image conversion
    • Installation and introduction of Tesseract OCR
    • Use Tesseract OCR to read documents
    • Inputs and outputs
    • Working with emails and PDFs
    • Working with spreadsheets and Excel
    • RegEx Tutorial for working with digital text

    Course continuity:

    • This course is preceded by [RPA_INTRO] and [RPA_BP_INTRO].
  • Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.