Praha (27 000 Kč)
Brno (27 000 Kč)
Bratislava (1 250 €)
In this course, we will build on ASPNET_INTRO and continue with a subtle introduction to the Entity Framework Core, and then take a look at Razor Pages, the MVVM framework that Microsoft offers as an alternative to the somewhat fundamentalist MVC. Applications require configuration, and .NET Core abandons previous solutions based on XML web.config files. It offers a new model of many configuration resources, an object superstructure and User Secrets for secure storage of sensitive configuration data during development. Almost every web application needs to send emails. We will show you what options you have in ASP.NET Core applications and imagine the Altairis.Services.Mailing library. You can use this to address your e-mail needs, but also as an example of how .NET Core universal libraries are generally written. Another large block is devoted to internationalization - preparation of the application for global deployment, translation into various languages, validation of user inputs, including client validation (and translation of its messages). The user interface can be - and appropriately - generated dynamically based on annotation attributes and we will show you how. The last part concerns security and the use of ASP.NET Identity. I will teach you how to deploy it properly, secure the application using roles, two-factor authentication, custom claims, login using external identity providers, and other useful things. I'll also show you how you can get users from older applications that aren't that beautiful (and most importantly so secure) into your new beautiful secure application.
A gentle introduction to the Core Entity Framework
Core Razor Pages
4 and destruction of the web.config fileEmail in ASP.NET
View Components
Web FormsInput validation and binding model
Dynamic user interface generation
Web application security
Customizing ASP.NET
Data Protection
The prices are without VAT.