This course will guide you through the architecture of Apache Tomcat, the most popular Java server of all time (according to recent surveys, up to 60% of applications run on top of Tomcat). The course focuses also on Java servlet/web [...]
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 3 terms
  • Praha (21 600 Kč)

    Brno (21 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (990 €)

  • Beginner

This course will guide you through the architecture of Apache Tomcat, the most popular Java server of all time (according to recent surveys, up to 60% of applications run on top of Tomcat). The course focuses also on Java servlet/web applications and their deployment and monitoring, especially Spring Framework and/or JPA/Hibernate based. Basic as well as advanced Java EE developers and administrators will gain knowledge of many shadowy facts and will be able to utilize Tomcat components more efficiently then what would normally be the default set up.


The course is targeted at Apache Tomcat administrators and Java EE developers who use Tomcat for application development and/or deployment

  • Requirements and internals of web applications (especially Spring Framework based)
  • Tomcat architecture
  • Detailed Tomcat configuration and tuning
  • Logging, roll-over, maintenance
  • Apache HTTPD integration
  • Load balancing and clustering

Mid-level Java web programming or common Tomcat use.


  • Overview of Java SE, EE platforms
    • History, JServ, Tomcat 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7
  • Overview of the features and functionality provided by Tomcat

Examining the Tomcat installation directories

  • bin
  • conf
  • lib
  • logs
  • temp
  • webapps
  • work

Java EE application internals

  • WAR file structure
  • web.xml
  • JSP
  • Servlet
  • URL mapping rules
  • HttpSession
  • AJAX, Asynchronous servlets and Comet
  • JavaServer Faces a FacesServlet
  • Flash Scope
  • Remote debugging (jdwp)
  • Dynamic JSP reloading
  • Dynamic class reloading
  • JRebel - reloading classes without re-deploy

Configuring Tomcat

  • TOMCAT/conf/context.xml
  • TOMCAT/conf/web.xml
  • Default Servlet
    • Static file (applies )
    • Welcome file (uses )
    • 404 error page
    • Folder listing
  • JSP Servlet

JNDI and DataSources

  • Classic JDBC approach
  • Better approach: JNDI resources
  • JNDI ObjectFactory
  • Connection pooling
  • Apache DBCP
  • Tomcat 7 JDBC Pool
  • C3P0
  • MySQL DataSource Pooling
  • Oracle Thin Driver Pooling

Tomcat architecture

  • server.xml (detailed walkthrough)
  • Shared web hosting for multiple domains
  • Connectors
    • BIO (HTTP/1.1), NIO, APR, AJP
    • timeouts
    • keep-alive
  • Valve for disabling web browser cache
  • SSL
    • JSSE and Keytool
    • OpenSSL and APR Connector


  • Java SE ClassLoader
  • Tomcat ClassLoader hierarchy
  • Order of class loading
  • Priority order for duplicate classes
  • Endorsed dir


  • Configuring Tomcat logging (JULI)
  • catalina.out
  • Configuring application logging
    • Log4J
    • java.util.logging
    • LogBack
    • Commons Logging
    • SLF4J
  • Log rotation, Formatters, Appenders


  • File system security
  • Java security manager
  • Web application authentification (BASIC, FORM)
  • Form login screen, j_security_check
  • Realms
    • Using the UserDatabaseRealm
    • Using the JDBC realm
    • Writing your own Realm
  • JAAS - Java Authentication and Authorization Service
  • Windows Integrated Authentication in Windows Domain (DC)

Memory management

  • Understanding Java garbage collection
  • Using JAVA_OPTS, JMX and JConsole to monitor and tune Tomcat memory usage
  • Sizing Tomcat's JVM memory heap
  • Persistent sessions
  • Using JMX and JConsole to configure Tomcat via Tomcat's MBeans
  • Hyperic monitoring tool (optional)

Performance tuning strategies

  • Additional JVM tuning tips
  • Enabling parallel garbage collection
  • Building native connectors
  • Disabling/removing unneeded applications
  • Tuning incoming connections and database connection pools
  • Turning off Jasper development mode
  • Precompiling JSPs
  • Preloading servlets

Apache HTTPD server integration with Tomcat

  • Introducing the mod_jk module
  • Introducing the mod_proxy module
  • Introducing JBoss mod_cluster module
  • Understanding Tomcat connectors
  • Understanding Tomcat workers
  • Connecting Tomcat with Apache HTTPD
  • Sticky session

Apache HTTPD and OpenSSL

  • Setting up certificates
  • Configuring SSL
  • Tomcat load balancing with Apache

Tomcat clustering

  • Clustering model
    • Load balancing
    • Session sharing
  • Working with Tomcat clustering
    • Session management
    • Using to replicate sessions across Tomcat instances
    • Configuring a cluster
    • Testing the cluster
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