The course is designed for developers working in the field of Business Intelligence, SAS statistics developers and students who are interested in working in analytic industry and want to learn the basics of the language R for various [...]
  • RPROG1
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 1 term
  • Praha (13 800 Kč)

    Brno (13 800 Kč)

    Bratislava (600 €)

  • Beginner

The course is designed for developers working in the field of Business Intelligence, SAS statistics developers and students who are interested in working in analytic industry and want to learn the basics of the language R for various approaches to data analysis and data visualization.

  • Understand the fundamentals of ‘R‘
  • Learn how to transit from existing software in analytics into an ‘R-based’ system at zero cost.
  • Get a broad insight into analytics and acquire skills in methodologies and techniques.
  • Get familiar with data science as a career option with practical knowledge. Recommended Audience: This course is recommended for:
  • Developers working in the field of Business Intelligence
  • SAS developers who are trying to move to open source technologies
  • Statistics students with basic knowledge of programming, who want to become Data Scientists.
  • For all who are interested in working in the analytical industry and are interested in improving their technical skills using the latest techniques.
  • The pre-requisites for learning ‘Business Analytics with R’ include basic mathematics and good analytical skills. The good news is that – as this is an applied course, the focus will be on real-world case studies rather than just the theory
  • Professional explanation with practical samples and examples.
  • Powerpoint handouts and module printouts.
  • Data Structures, Variables, Control Flow, Functions
  • Getting Data into the R environment,
  • Explore R’s key features and wide range of packages, built for data science
  • Develop, execute, and modify R scripts
  • Learn how to use different data mining sequences
  • Find out how to organize your data effectively
  • Produce high-quality data visualizations
  • Get to grips with a number of approaches to the statistical analysis of data
  • Learn how to cultivate a strategic approach to your data to use the right tools, models and visualizations to get the job
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