The graduate will be thoroughly familiar with OOP and functional techniques and their use in a strongly typed language. The course starts with the basic constructs of the language, continues with OOP, then functional transformations, the type [...]
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (12 300 Kč)

    Brno (12 300 Kč)

    Bratislava (540 €)

  • Beginner

The graduate will be thoroughly familiar with OOP and functional techniques and their use in a strongly typed language. The course starts with the basic constructs of the language, continues with OOP, then functional transformations, the type system of the language, and ends with asynchronous programming.

  • The course assumes knowledge of any other programming language and the basics of algorithmization.
  • Interpretation with presentation
  • Practical demonstrations on small pieces of code, so-called "boards" or scratches in InteliJ Idea
  • Small exercises to test what has just been explained
  • Large independent tasks from the thematic unit evaluated individually for each student (with advice on how to proceed)
  • Presentation of the subject matter in printed or online form.

Installation of necessary tools/Scala and introduction

  • Scala-cli installation
  • Scala in InteliJ Idea (Scala plugin)
  • What is Scala, a small sample of the aims and direction of the course, also with practical examples
  • Creating a project

Basic constructions of the language and an introduction to types

  • Mutable vs immutable variables - the immutable principle
  • Basic types: numeric, strings, truth values
  • Terms and cycles
  • For cycle that returns a result, theory of expressions - what is an expression and what is not
  • Functions, recursion, tail recursion
  • String interpolation
  • Tuple type, "breaking" into variables, pattern matching
  • Type option as a one-element collection, chaining options in the for loop, Option(null)
  • List/Seq/Vector/Set/Map and operations on them
  • Mutable variants of containers

Operations on collections

  • foreach, map, flatMap
  • recursive counting with collections, foldLeft, sum, reduce
  • find, headOption, filter, exists, contains, collect, groupBy, mkString

OOP in Scala

  • Class and its attributes, constructor, companion object and apply
  • case class, copy method, pattern matching
  • Traits and multiple inheritance
  • Anonymous classes
  • sealed trait and enumerations

More advanced constructions of the language

  • Higher functions, function as parameter and return value
  • When is the code actually called/evaluated?
  • Lambdas
  • Wrapping primitive values into types instead of using them directly
  • implicit functions, conversions
  • implicit classes, method addition
  • default values
  • Try vs try
  • Chaining of potentially unsuccessful operations in the for loop, recover, orElse
  • Function with type parameter
  • Delimitation of types
  • Our own reducer

Asynchronous programming

  • Futures
  • Await.ready/result
  • Execution Context (global, fixed thread pool, cached, work stealing pool)
  • Future does not mean thread, What is a thread pool
  • map, flatMap, folding in the for loop
  • andThen, recover, transform
  • laziness
Current offer
Training location
Course language

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