The course is focused on practical handling of the Enterprise Architect (EA) tool. The EA tool is used for analysis, design, documentation, management support, support of model transformation (MDA) and team visual communication support. The EA [...]
  • GOC260
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 7 terms
  • Praha (16 800 Kč)

    Brno (16 800 Kč)

    Bratislava (720 €)

  • Beginner

The course is focused on practical handling of the Enterprise Architect (EA) tool. The EA tool is used for analysis, design, documentation, management support, support of model transformation (MDA) and team visual communication support. The EA is particularly used for team software project support. In this course, we will emphasise wide spectrum of this tool and their practical trying. The course is also suitable for beginners who have no experience with Enterprise Architect.

  • to familiarize with handling the tool step by step
  • to work with models, diagrams and elements
  • to work with the basic UML diagram portfolio
  • to use the possibilities of project management support
  • to use the team support of the tool
  • to understand artefact connecting, hyperlink introduction
  • to generate documentation, to work with MDA transformation
  • to use various models for business models
  • to use mind maps for team sessions
  • to generate source codes and deciphering codes (reverse engineering)
  • and much more

basic UML knowledge on the GOC26 course level

Introduction to working with Enterprise Architect
  • Familiarize with Enterprise Architect tool philosophy
  • Terminology used
  • Project structure
  • Root model structure
  • View structure (Model View)
  • Package use
  • Handling of Enterprise Architect functions
  • Working windows
  • Tool configuration
  • Configuration of elements design

Modelling in the process of analysis and SW design

  • Modelling of processes (diagram of activities in UML, diagram BPMN)
  • Modelling of requirements (Requirements Model)
  • Use case Model, structured scenario, generating of related diagram of activities

Modelling of analytic classes (Class Diagram), generating of state object diagram, sequence diagram

  • Generating of class source code, generating the class in the diagram from the file code
  • Modelling database charts, MDA transformation class -> database chart. Generating of DDL script, import of database charts into diagram (Reverse Engineering)
  • User Interface model

Creating documentation

  • Generating of model documentation
  • Working with templates

The relation matrix of relations tracing between model elements, Traceability window

Functions for project management

Team cooperation support

  • Management of change function approach (Security by Role)
  • Export¬/Import of project elements in XMI and CSV form
  • Export¬/Import of UML profile
  • Export¬/Import of reference data
  • Coordination of model elements sharing between users (Version Control)

Instalation of Enterprise Architect with repository saved in database

Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.