The course is intended for all programmers who want to gain knowledge and skills in creating applications in the C# language on the Microsoft .NET platform. The course provides an overview of the Microsoft .NET platform and its Microsoft [...]
  • GOC2124
  • Duration 5 days
  • 50 ITK points
  • 9 terms
  • Praha (21 000 Kč)

    Brno (21 000 Kč)

    Bratislava (1 000 €)

  • Beginner

The course is intended for all programmers who want to gain knowledge and skills in creating applications in the C# language on the Microsoft .NET platform. The course provides an overview of the Microsoft .NET platform and its Microsoft Visual Studio .NET development environment. You will get to know the C# language with an emphasis on the basics of the language itself and an introduction to object-oriented programming. The course is not suitable for complete beginners who have never programmed in any programming language, basic knowledge of algorithms and programming at the level of the course [PRG], or experience with programming in another language is recommended.

  • Overview of the Microsoft .NET platform
  • Variables and value data types
  • Use of program blocks, conditions and cycles
  • Exception handling
  • Basics of object-oriented programming
  • Working with reference types
  • Constructors, finalizers and freeing resources
  • Inheritance, virtual methods, abstract classes and Interface
  • Register for events
  • Use properties and indexers
  • Basic knowledge of algorithms and programming at the level of the PRG course, or experience with programming in another language.
  • The course is not suitable for complete beginners who have never programmed in any programming language

An overview of the Microsoft .NET platform

  • Introduction
  • Overview of Microsoft .NET
  • Common Language Runtime
  • Namespaces

C# Overview

  • Program structure in C#
  • Basic I/O operations
  • Recommended practices
  • Program compilation and debugging

Variables and data types

  • General type system
  • Naming variables
  • Use of basic data types
  • User data types
  • Data type conversion

Program blocks

  • Program branching
  • Iteration

Methods and parameters

  • Use of methods
  • Using parameters
  • Input, output parameters and parameters sold by reference
  • Overloading
  • Optional parameters and parameter fields


  • Field declaration
  • Create a one-dimensional array
  • Create a multidimensional array
  • Difference between array and collection
  • Basics of using ArrayList and List<> collections

Error Handling and Debugging

  • Work with exceptions
  • Debugging

Basics of object-oriented programming

  • Object classes and their instances
  • Private and public members
  • Using this
  • Static members

Properties and Indexers

  • Using properties

Reference types

  • Use of references
  • Object hierarchies

Creating and destroying objects

  • Object constructors and initialization
  • Object destruction and Garbage Collector

Basics of heredity

  • Inheritance and derivation of object classes
  • Polymorphism
  • Virtual methods
  • Conversion of data types, retyping/casting
  • Boxing/UnBoxing
  • Interface implementation

Delegates and events

  • EventHandler delegate
  • Event registration
Current offer
Training location
Course language

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