The course is designed for all programmers who want to acquire knowledge and skills to create applications in C# on the Microsoft .NET platform. At the course, you will have an overview of the Microsoft .NET platform and its Microsoft Visual [...]
  • GOC2124
  • Duration 5 days
  • 50 ITK points
  • 11 terms
  • Praha (21 000 Kč)

    Brno (21 000 Kč)

    Bratislava (1 000 €)

  • Beginner

The course is designed for all programmers who want to acquire knowledge and skills to create applications in C# on the Microsoft .NET platform. At the course, you will have an overview of the Microsoft .NET platform and its Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. You will learn about the language of C# with an emphasis on the foundations of the language itself and an introduction to object -oriented programming. The course assumes basic knowledge of programming in any language. The course is not suitable for complete beginners. Beginners are recommended to visit the course Introduction to algorithmization and programming [PRG].

  • Overview of Microsoft .NET platform
  • Variable and value data types
  • Using program blocks, conditions and cycles
  • Exception processing
  • Basics of object -oriented programming
  • Working with reference types
  • Councilors, Finalizers and Resources of Resources
  • Inheritance, virtual methods, abstract class and interface
  • To register for events
  • Use properties and indexers
  • Basic knowledge of algorithmization and programming at PRG course or experience with programming in another language.
  • The course is not suitable for complete beginners who have never programmed in any programming language
  • Professional interpretation with practical demonstrations, exercises on computers.
  • Presentation of the subject matter in printed or online form.

Overview of Microsoft .NET platform

  • Introduction
  • MICROSOFT .NET overview
  • Common Langueage Runtime
  • Name premises

Language Overview C#

  • Program structure in C# language
  • Basic I/O operations
  • Recommended practices
  • Compilation of the program and debugging

Variable and data types

  • General type system
  • Naming of variables
  • Using basic data types
  • User Data Types
  • Conversion of data types

Program blocks and exceptions

  • Branching of the program
  • Iteration
  • Work with exceptions

Methods and parameters

  • Using methods
  • Using parameters
  • Input, output parameters and parameters presented by reference
  • Overloading (overloading)
  • Optional parameters and parameter fields


  • Declaration of Field
  • Create a one -armed field
  • Creating a multi -zmeter field
  • Difference between field and collection
  • Basics of using ARRAYLIST collections and a sheet <>

Basics of object -oriented programming

  • Object classes and their instances
  • Private and public members
  • Using this
  • Static members

Reference types

  • Using references
  • Object hierarchy

Creating and destroying objects

  • Constructors and initialization of objects
  • Destruction of Objects and Garbage Collector


  • Inheritance and deriving object classes
  • Polymorphism
  • Virtual methods
  • Conversion of data types, casting/casting
  • Boxing/Unboxing
  • Shadowing / Member Hiding
  • An abstract class
  • Interface

Delegates and events

  • Eventhandler delegate
  • Event Registration

Properties and indexers

  • Using properties
  • Using indexers
Current offer
Training location
Course language

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