The course deals with the analysis and development of processes in UiPath. Process automation with robots has been an increasing hit in recent years and many. The company is already fully aware of the potential of this technology and is [...]
  • Duration 3 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 2 terms
  • Praha (14 700 Kč)

    Brno (14 700 Kč)

    Bratislava (720 €)

  • Intermediate

The course deals with the analysis and development of processes in UiPath. Process automation with robots has been an increasing hit in recent years and many. The company is already fully aware of the potential of this technology and is creating its own teams of experts.

  • For anyone who wants to automate processes through RPA UiPath.
  • General knowledge of RPA + ideally the experience of creating macros.
  • Knowledge at the level of the introductory course RPA_INTRO
  • Professional explanation with practical samples and examples.
  • Powerpoint handouts and module printouts.

Day 1 - Introduction to RPA and UiPath + preparation and documentation

  • Introduction of the largest / most widely used RPA tools and their general comparison
  • UiPath - Information on the instrument, distribution, parts, licensing policy and methodology
  • UiPath Online Academy
  • General tips on preparing, mapping and creating PDD and SDD documentation
  • How to work with PDD (Process Definition Document)
  • How to create SDD (Solution Design Document)
  • Download and install the trial version of UiPath
  • Introduction to UiPath Studio - what the application consists of, where to find and basic settings

Day 2 - basics of development in UiPath

  • Activities and display types (sequence, flowchart, state machine, etc.)
  • Basic design of robot workflow and how to construct it (level 1, level 2, level 3)
  • Recorder or marketing "catcher" in practice
  • Logging
  • Variable and argument management
  • Basics of error handling and exception handling
  • I. Development of training processes and demonstration of best practice

Day 3 - UiPath development for the second time

  • Cycles, conditions, decision
  • Timeout, delay and their setting in workflow
  • Inputs and outputs
  • Work with emails
  • Work with tables in MS Excel
  • UiExplorer
  • Work with objects
  • Development of components and their integration into the whole workflow
  • Component testing and argument definition
  • Debugging and debugging
  • II.

Course outputs (each participant will receive):

  • Sample documentation created according to best practice (PDD + SDD)
  • Links to individual RPA tools and related community sites
  • Material with general information on the structure of RPA tools and a list of tips on how to do it

Develop independently in this area

  • Several sample workflows and components for use in UiPath

Course continuity:

  • This course is preceded by the course [RPA_INTRO] and indirectly Follows the course [RPA_UIP_ADV] and [RPA_UIP_FRA].
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.