The course is designed for Linux operating system servers administrators who will learn common and advanced tasks related to the administration of the system. The participants in the course will learn to administrate operating system Linux, [...]
  • LXI2
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 8 terms
  • Praha (11 700 Kč)

    Brno (11 700 Kč)

    Bratislava (510 €)

  • Beginner

The course is designed for Linux operating system servers administrators who will learn common and advanced tasks related to the administration of the system. The participants in the course will learn to administrate operating system Linux, to work with the command interpreter, to administrate the processes, to plan the functions, to back up the important data, to track the performance and monitor the system load. The participants will also learn to set and to monitor the system logging, to configure the starting scripts of the operating system, etc.


The course participants will learn to administer operating system LINUX , to work with command interpreter, to administrate the processes, to plan the functions, to back up the important data, to track the performance and monitor the system load. The participants will also learn to set and to monitor the system logging, to configure the starting scripts of the operating system, etc.

Command interpreter BASH

Basics of working with BASH, shell login, change of the Shell
Commands history, addition, configuration
Variable environment, aliases
Redirections, pipes

Administration of the processes

Control of the tasks (jobs control)             
Processes administration, signals

System administration

Information about system sources, top tools, directory/proc and /sys
Start of the system, init process (upstart process)
Starting rc scripts
Monitoring of the system load

Logging and system monitoring

Principle of the log gathering in the UNIX system
Syslogd and Rsyslogd
Log rotation
Log analyses

Tasks planning according to time

Tasks planning using at, cron, fcron.
Setting of the right time, NTP protocol

Backing up

Methods of backing up, total incremental, block, file
Tools tar, cpio, partclone, dump-restore, rsync, rdiff-backup
Linux core

Functions of the system core
GRUB boot loader
Core moduls, tools for working with moduls


Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.