This course is assigned for all, who have basic knowledge of work in Microsoft Windows and Internet, and want to create web pages and have them fully under their control.
  • Duration 5 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 4 terms
  • Praha (16 500 Kč)

    Brno (16 500 Kč)

    Bratislava (700 €)

This course is assigned for all, who have basic knowledge of work in Microsoft Windows and Internet, and want to create web pages and have them fully under their control.

This course is assigned for all, who want to create Web pages and have the HTML code fully under their control.
The sense of HTML tags, CSS and its use in web page design.
Work with Internet on basic level (browsing, searching…)

Basic concepts

  • Protocol
  • URL
  • Client/server
  • How it everything operate?
  • What name use for naming files

Introduction to the HTML

  • What is that HTML and CSS
  • What is that tag
  • Syntax of HTML document (head, body)

Basic rules at work with CSS

  • Properties and values
  • Declaration
  • Classes
  • ID
  • Pseudoclasses

Units and values

  • Colours
  • Distance units
  • Percentage
  • References

CSS - Cascading style Sheets

  • Work style
  • Generation CSS document and their linked by HTML page and other options CSS

Work with text

  • Writing simple text
  • Formatting writing (fat, script, trip, upper and subscript, font size)
  • Writing space
  • Font
  • Colour writing

Horizontal lines

Work with paragraph

  • Paragraph
  • Text alignment

Bullets and numbering


  • Size pictures for web (JPG, GIF, PNG)
  • Bases work with pictures


  • Relative and absolute URL
  • Work with hyperlinks
  • Reference to www pages and on e-mail
  • Picture like reference
  • Bookmarks


  • Colour control (background, font, hyperlink..)
  • Picture against a background
  • Sound against a background


  • Introduction to the tables
  • Setting tables


  • Bases production form
  • Ways of working with forms
  • method (GET, POST)

Meta tag


Ways and means publication

Sources on web

Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.