This course is assigned for all web page designers, who know HTML and have basic knowledge of CSS. The most important part is work with element size and position – width, height and position. We talk over the possible problems with different [...]
  • INTCS2
  • Duration 3 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 6 terms
  • Praha (9 900 Kč)

    Brno (9 900 Kč)

    Bratislava (420 €)

  • Intermediate

This course is assigned for all web page designers, who know HTML and have basic knowledge of CSS. The most important part is work with element size and position – width, height and position. We talk over the possible problems with different browsers, visual menu display with unwrap menu preparing. The end of course is about web-page-layout creating with CSS.

This course is assigned for web page designers, who know (X)HTML and have basic knowledge of CSS.
We will teach you how to create advanced web pages using CSS.
HTML and CSS (basics) knowledge.


  • CSS vs. related technologies (HTML, JavaScript)
  • history, versions CSS (2.1 a 3), specification, browser support 
  • tools for creation and analysis of CSS

Block & inline elements

  • display property (block, inline, inline-block, table-cell, none etc.)
  • width, height, overflow properties of elements
  • horizontal & vertical alighnment
  • semanticaly neutral elements of HTML

Position of block elements

  • float and clear elements
  • margin property, usage of negative values
  • position property (absolute, relative), custom coordinates system, top & left properties
  • z-index property

Media query

  • print style
  • new possibilities of CSS3 for responsible webdesign

Best practices

  • column layout stránky
  • navigation, dropdown menu, etc.
  • photos and other details of web pages 

New possibilities of CSS3

  • selectors
  • font-face
  • border-radius, barva rgba, box-shadow, text-shadow
  • transforms, transitions, animations
  • box-sizing
  • multi-column layout
  • Flexbox (CSS Flexible Box Model)
  • new page background options - linear gradient, multiple-backgrounds, background-size

Web design for mobile devices

  • specific pages for smarthopnes & tablets OR
  • universal web page - responsive webdesign
  • graphics for high-resolutional displays
  • graphics optiomalization, data uri, LESS etc.
  • SVG format
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.