- CSS vs. related technologies (HTML, JavaScript)
- history, versions CSS (2.1 a 3), specification, browser support
- tools for creation and analysis of CSS
Block & inline elements
- display property (block, inline, inline-block, table-cell, none etc.)
- width, height, overflow properties of elements
- horizontal & vertical alighnment
- semanticaly neutral elements of HTML
Position of block elements
- float and clear elements
- margin property, usage of negative values
- position property (absolute, relative), custom coordinates system,
top & left properties
- z-index property
Media query
- print style
- new possibilities of CSS3 for responsible webdesign
Best practices
- column layout stránky
- navigation, dropdown menu, etc.
- photos and other details of web pages
New possibilities of CSS3
- selectors
- font-face
- border-radius, barva rgba, box-shadow, text-shadow
- transforms, transitions, animations
- box-sizing
- multi-column layout
- Flexbox (CSS Flexible Box Model)
- new page background options - linear gradient, multiple-backgrounds,
Web design for mobile devices
- specific pages for smarthopnes & tablets OR
- universal web page - responsive webdesign
- graphics for high-resolutional displays
- graphics optiomalization, data uri, LESS etc.
- SVG format