In this course you will learn how to use Adobe Photoshop for creating web graphics and user interface of mobile and desktop applications. You will first be introduced to the basic concepts of Web UI and graphics - types of layouts and [...]
  • PHSH4
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 3 terms
  • Praha (6 600 Kč)

    Brno (6 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (290 €)

  • Intermediate

In this course you will learn how to use Adobe Photoshop for creating web graphics and user interface of mobile and desktop applications. You will first be introduced to the basic concepts of Web UI and graphics - types of layouts and equipment, color schemes, file formats, optimization, use of grids (grids). Then you will explore the features Adobe Photoshop that can help you effectively produce graphics - Smart Objects, slices, styles, masks, vector drawing, etc. During the course you create complete site layout and design of the user interface from sketch through prototype to finished graphic. Eventually you will be familiar with the use of the finished web freely available components for your suggestions.


The course is intended for web designers and mobile and desktop UI applications designers working in Adobe Photoshop.

  • basic concepts of web and UI design
  • work with the colors, layers, and text
  • preparation of wireframes
  • create web/UI mockup
  • optimize graphics for web and UI

Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop on the level of basic course.

Basic concepts
  • designing for screens
  • the size and screen resolution
  • PSD- to- HTML workflow
  • setting Photoshop for web and UI design
  • creating a new document for a web UI
  • layouts principles
  • CSS
  • color settings
  • web-based colors
  • color palette / color scheme
  • Kuler
  • vector and bitmap layers
  • smart objects
  • Masking
  • layer groups
  • clipping group
  • import graphics
  • formatting shape layers
  • layer styles
  • filtering layers
  • layer comps
  • text as text or text image
  • text smoothing
  • character and paragraph styles
  • web fonts
  • project planning
  • guides, grids, rulers
  • grid system
  • responsive design
  • design layout with layers
Web / UI mockup
  • design organization and structure
  • main design elements
  • background
  • navigation creation
  • preparation of the text
  • preparation of graphics
  • preparation of photos
  • buttons
  • other form elements
  • simulation behavior using layer comps
Optimizing graphics for web and UI
  • formats
  • slices vs. layer
  • graphics vs. CSS
  • transparency
  • image sprites creation
Collaboration with other applications
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Adobe XD
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.