The course is intended for all who know the basics of HTML and CSS and want to learn how to use the new possibilities offered by HTML5 and CSS3. You will learn new ways of working with graphics and animations, new semantic markup, and form [...]
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 3 terms
  • Praha (6 600 Kč)

    Brno (6 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (280 €)

  • Intermediate

The course is intended for all who know the basics of HTML and CSS and want to learn how to use the new possibilities offered by HTML5 and CSS3. You will learn new ways of working with graphics and animations, new semantic markup, and form elements. They will learn new CSS3 capabilities and controlling of the appearance of the site on mobile devices.


The course is designed for those who want to learn about HTML5 tags and CSS3.

On the course you will learn to use the new HTML5 tags and new CSS3 properties.

Basic orientation in HTML and CSS

  • brief history, HTML 4 vs. 5, specification, current state, CSS 2 vs. 3, specification, support in browsers, prefixes
  • what’s new in HTML5 – new semantic tags, working with multimedia, new forms tags, new possibilities in JavaScript (DOM, API)
Graphics and animations
  • CSS3 properties - border-radius, box-shadow, text-shadow, barva rgba, transform, transitions, animations
  • new possibilities of work with the background - gradients, multiple-backgrounds, background-size
  • SVG format on the web
Multimedia in HTML5 - <AUDIO>, <VIDEO>
New semantic tags (<SECTION>, <HEADER>, <FOOTER>etc)
Form tags
  • New attributes of <INPUT> tag - number, date, search, color etc.
  • New form tags
  • New attributes - novalidate, pattern, required, autofocus etc.
Additional possibilities of CSS 3
  • New selector types
  • New media queries
  • font-face (using of own font)
  • box-sizing
  • multi-column layout
  • Flexbox (CSS Flexible Box Model)
Web for mobile devices
  • Special pages for smartphones and tablets
  • One version of web - responsive webdesign
  • Flexible images, alternative images
  • High resolution displays graphics
  • Graphics and page speed optimalization, data uri, LESS etc.
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.