The course provides a comprehensive view on the preparation of change’s process, the analysis of individual change players, method of change implementing and thus increase the probability of successful change implementation. Due to the [...]
  • Duration 1 day
  • 0 ITK points
  • 1 term
  • Praha (9 300 Kč)

    Brno (9 300 Kč)

    Bratislava (400 €)

The course provides a comprehensive view on the preparation of change’s process, the analysis of individual change players, method of change implementing and thus increase the probability of successful change implementation. Due to the practical examples and exercises, during which it is necessary to work in a team, this training will be opened only with min. 4 participants.


The course is designed for company managements, senior executives, project managers, process owners

  • Skill to prepare for a change
  • Skill to manage a change of people
  • Skill to identify the players and their analysis
  • Skill to announce and demonstrate a change
  • Skill to fix a change in an organization
  • What is a change
  • Why to manage a change

Creating a sense of urgency

  • Reason for a change
  • Need of immediate action

Team assembling

  • How does a successful team work
  • Team roles

Creating a vision and strategy

  • How will the future look like
  • How will the future come true

Communication of a change

  • Identification of change players
  • Players analysis
  • Work with individual players

Authorization of others

  • Removing of barriers
  • Delegation

Rapid success

  • Identification of a rapid successes
  • Achieving of a rapid successes


  • Motivation
  • How to persist

Creation of a new culture

  • Support of the achieved
  • Creating of habits



  • ...
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.