This course is designated for administrators of net servers who need to create and administrate efficient mail server for small and big company. Participants will learn to install and configure Postfix program, install systems for remote [...]
  • UNIXM1
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (8 200 Kč)

    Brno (8 200 Kč)

    Bratislava (360 €)

  • Beginner

This course is designated for administrators of net servers who need to create and administrate efficient mail server for small and big company. Participants will learn to install and configure Postfix program, install systems for remote access to mail boxes, pursue antivirus and antispam check of message, install WWW interface to mail server etc.

This course is designated for administrators of net servers who need to get to run and administrate mail server on Internet for small and big company.
Participants will learn basic principles and possibilities of usage of electronic mail in Internet environment. The course is focused on configuration and administration of mail server in UNIX/LINUX server. Participants will learn to install systems for remote access to mail boxes, pursue antivirus and antispam check of message, install WWW interface to mail server etc.
Installation and configuration of LINUX Knowledge of TCP/IP nets

Electronic mail on Internet

  • History of electronic mail
  • Terminology (MTA, MDA, MUA, etc)
  • Basic norm and regulation in the sphere (RFC 822, RFC 823)
  • Structure of e-mail message and address
  • Routing of electronic mail on Internet
  • Related configuration of DNS

    Mail systems

  • Summary and properties of mail systems in UNIX (sendmail, postfix, Qmail, exim)
  • History of Postfix program
  • Compilation and installation of Postfix program
  • Creation of configuration file
  • Initial configuration of Postfix program
  • Getting to run of simple mail server

    Advanced configuration of Postfix program

  • Creation of mail nicknames
  • Virtual mail servers
  • Security policy of mail server (relaying, authentification)
  • Protection against spam (spam)
  • Running of mail system for a lot of users (tuning of performance, cooperation with LDAP directory servers, etc.)

    Systems for remote access to mail boxes

  • Installation and configuration of servers used for POP3 and IMAP services.

    Mail delivery agents

  • Overview of used programs (procmail, maildrop)
  • Maildrop system language, usage for local delivered messages.
  • Messages sorting by different criteria (message size, header, etc.)
  • Possibility of messages forwarding to mobile phone

    Antivirus checking of mail messages

  • Implementation of antivirus checking to LINUX system (McAffee, Kaspersky Lab, Dr. Solomon)
  • Connection of standard antivirus program and mail system
  • Installation and configuration of system for antivirus checking of mail messages

    Web interface to mail system

  • Overview of used programs (AeroMail, Horde IMP, Twig, etc.)
  • Installation of WWW mail interface

  • Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.