The course provides a comprehensive overview of the basic steps needed to increase personal productivity. It allows the participants to get to know themselves, define their life goals and use methods of effective use of time. Due to the [...]
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 7 terms
  • Praha (17 200 Kč)

    Brno (17 200 Kč)

    Bratislava (740 €)

The course provides a comprehensive overview of the basic steps needed to increase personal productivity. It allows the participants to get to know themselves, define their life goals and use methods of effective use of time. Due to the practical examples and exercises, during which it is necessary to work in a team, this training will be opened only with min. 4 participants.


Training is designed for all those, who are interested in increasing of personal productivity

The course objectives:

  • Understanding the basic principles of personal productivity
  • Get to know oneself
  • Understanding the principles of mentoring
  •  Understanding the principles of personal management


  • Increase own productivity
  • Reduction of overload stres
  • Possibility to create own support (information) system
  • Possibility to apply the principles in everyday life

Willingness to work on oneself


  • Prejudices
  • Vices
  • Assessing the current situation

 What is Time Management

  • Definition of self-management
  • 4 generations of time management


  • Characteristics
  • Learned individual behavior
  • Learned team behavior
  • Created behavior
  • Motivation


  • Roles definition
  • Goals management
  • Activities management


  • Time-eaters
  • Workflow
  • Systems and Tools

How to start and persevere

  • 5 steps



Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.