The course provides the knowledge and skills necessary for mind mapping in different areas for individual use (time management, notes, creativity, etc.), use at work (project management, problem solving, group cooperation, etc.) and teaching [...]
  • Duration 1 day
  • 0 ITK points
  • 1 term
  • Praha (8 600 Kč)

    Brno (8 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (370 €)

The course provides the knowledge and skills necessary for mind mapping in different areas for individual use (time management, notes, creativity, etc.), use at work (project management, problem solving, group cooperation, etc.) and teaching (courses preparation, courses management, learning etc.).


The course is designed for all those, who want to efficiently use and plan their time

Course objectives:

  • Understanding the principles of the mind map creation
  • Understanding the use of mind maps in various areas of private and professional life


  • Skill to create a mind map
  • Skill to use mind maps to define goals
  • Skill to use mind maps for time and projects scheduling
  • Skill to use mind maps for creative solving of problems and risks
  • Skill to use mind maps for planning and managing of meetings
  • Skill to use mind maps for preparation of presentations
  • Skill to use mind maps for organization of information and learning

Lecturer’s materials related to the subject

Mind maps

What is a mind map

  • How does a mind map work
  • What type are you
  • Manually or using a computer

Objectives via  mind maps

  • Roles definition
  • Goals definition
  • Performance monitoring

Time scheduling via mind maps

  • Calendar
  • Individual plans

Project planning via mind maps

  • Project portal
  • Items of the project plan

Solving of problems via mind maps

  • Setting of priorities
  • Description of all problem aspects
  • Finding of reasons
  • Identification of risks
  • Plan of activities

Meetings with the use of mind maps

  • Preparation of meeting
  • Meeting minutes
  • Monitoring of tasks

Presentations with the use of mind maps

  • Collecting of information and knowledge
  • Sorting


  • ...
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.