This course explains how to plan for, implement and manage the ongoing operations of the system. Emphasis is on security, system availability, backup and recovery, system software management and problem determination. You will also be [...]
  • OL19G
  • Duration 5 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (52 500 Kč)

    Brno (52 500 Kč)

    Bratislava (2 850 €)

This course explains how to plan for, implement and manage the ongoing operations of the system. Emphasis is on security, system availability, backup and recovery, system software management and problem determination. You will also be introduced to the architecture and terminology of the iSeries.

Those responsible for implementing, and managing security, system backup and recovery, system software and problem determination. This course is not recommended for operators.
After completing this course, you should be able to:
  • Develop a security plan for your iSeries installation
  • Describe the facilities available to audit security on an iSeries
  • Develop a plan to audit security on your iSeries
  • Describe the iSeries availability products and features and choose the ones appropriate for your iSeries installation
  • Describe how to backup and recover user and system information on the iSeries
  • Develop a backup and recovery plan for your installation
  • Describe iSeries problem determination procedures
  • Describe how to manage PTFs on the iSeries
  • Explain the components of iSeries security, such as user profile, group profile, authorization list, adopted authority and how they participate in security

    Required skills

    Before attending this course the student should have:
  • Responsibility for implementation of the security plan for your iSeries
  • Responsibility for implementation of the backup and recovery plan and system availability for your iSeries

    You should complete:

  • AS24CZ - System Operator Workshop for IBM System i
  • AS27CZ - Advanced System Operator for System i

    Course Outline

  • Security in an iSeries installation
  • Security audit on an iSeries
  • iSeries availability products and features
  • Backup and recovery of user and system information
  • iSeries problem determination procedures
  • PTFs on the iSeries
  • Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.