This course is design to enhance the skills of an System i System Operator and develop additional skills in the areas of work management, CL programing using WDSc and menu creation. It introduces you to the HMC and explain when it is required. [...]
  • AS27G
  • Duration 3 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (42 000 Kč)

    Brno (on request)

    Bratislava (1 680 €)

This course is design to enhance the skills of an System i System Operator and develop additional skills in the areas of work management, CL programing using WDSc and menu creation. It introduces you to the HMC and explain when it is required. It gives you an review of the other System i console options you may see in your environment. It also gives you the new changes for backup and recovery including Virtual Tape Support and strategies for HMC firmware.

This advanced course is design for those individuals who are responsible for operating and managing the operation of an System i system.
After completing this course, the student should be able to:
  • Secure specific objects including securing the IFS (scanning IFS)
  • Describe the components of single signon (SOS)
  • Describe how the system manages storage
  • Create a basic CL program using WDSc
  • Create menus using SDA
  • Describe the features and capabilities of Management Central
  • Make changes to the system that can simplify operations (Virtual Optical, etc.)
  • Describe backup and recovery solutions for the System i (Virtual Tape Support, etc.)
  • Use the problem determination tips to help resolve and prevent problems

    Required skills

    You should complete:
  • AS24CZ - System Operator Workshop for IBM System i

    Course Outline

  • System i servers overview
  • Reference material and help
  • Message handling
  • Object management concepts
  • CL programming
  • Work management
  • Job and print control
  • Starting and stopping the system
  • System security
  • Managing devices
  • Save and restore
  • Problem determination
  • PTFs
  • Current offer
    Training location
    Course language

    The prices are without VAT.