Do you want to achieve professional results in working with raster graphics and at the same time use free and freely distributable software? Then GIMP is your only possible choice. In our course, you will learn basic geometric, brightness, [...]
  • GIMP1
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (5 800 Kč)

    Brno (5 800 Kč)

    Bratislava (250 €)

  • Beginner

Do you want to achieve professional results in working with raster graphics and at the same time use free and freely distributable software? Then GIMP is your only possible choice. In our course, you will learn basic geometric, brightness, and color photo editing, common retouching, making simple selections, using layers and channels, applying filters, and editing text. Upon completion, you will be able to create simple collages, photo montages, flyers and web graphics.


The course is intended for regular users who want to learn how to edit bitmap graphics in the free program GIMP.

  • understand the principles of bitmap graphics
  • set and change the basic parameters of the image
  • perform geometric image corrections
  • adjust brightness and contrast
  • edit colors
  • retouch images
  • select parts of images
  • use layers
  • insert text
  • save, export and print images

Basics of working in the Microsoft Windows environment.

Theoretical introduction
Introduction to the GIMP program environment
  • workspace
  • Tools
  • panels
  • application preferences
Basic image parameters
  • format
  • size
  • resolution
  • color mode
Geometric image adjustments
  • crop the image
  • rotation
Tonal image adjustments
  • histogram
  • brightness and contrast
  • levels
  • shadows and lights
Image color adjustments
  • color balance
  • hue and saturation
  • color
  • color
  • bleach
  • invert
  • cloning
  • healing
  • perspective cloning
  • rubber
  • local lightening and darkening
  • local blur and sharpening
  • local blur
Preparation of the image for publication
  • resizing - resampling
  • sharpening
Selections in the image
  • selection tools
    • rectangle selection
    • selection of elliptical areas
    • free area selection
    • approximate selection
    • selection by color
    • selection of scissors
    • foreground selection
  • refine the edges of the selection
  • combinations, adjustments and transformations of selections
  • selection editor
  • Quick Mask mode
Basics of layers
  • use of layers
  • create a new layer
  • create a layer by copying and cutting
  • layer manipulation (visibility, order, duplication, deleting, merging)
  • cover layers
  • layer transformation
  • copy named pixels to Buffer
  • insert the contents of the named Buffer
  • insert text
  • text formatting
Saving and exporting images
  • file formats
    • xcf
    • tiff
    • jpeg
    • png
    • psd
  • saving and exporting files in various formats
Printing images
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.