In this course, participants will learn to perform basic photo editing, common retouching, creating simple masks, using objects, applying effects, editing text in Corel PHOTO-PAINT. Upon completion, the participant will be able to create [...]
  • CPH1
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (5 800 Kč)

    Brno (5 800 Kč)

    Bratislava (250 €)

  • Beginner

In this course, participants will learn to perform basic photo editing, common retouching, creating simple masks, using objects, applying effects, editing text in Corel PHOTO-PAINT. Upon completion, the participant will be able to create simple collages and photomontages.


The course is intended for regular users who want to learn how to edit bitmap graphics in Corel PHOTO-PAINT.

  • understand the principles of bitmap graphics
  • set and change the basic parameters of the image
  • perform geometric image corrections
  • adjust brightness and contrast
  • edit colors
  • retouch images
  • camouflage - select parts of images
  • use objects - layers
  • insert text
  • apply effects
  • save, export and print images

Basics of computer work.

Theoretical introduction
Introduction to Photo-Paint
  • description of the working environment
  • toolbars
  • property bar
  • dockable panels
  • Status Bar
  • color palette
Basic image parameters
  • format
  • size
  • distinction
  • bit depth
  • color mode
Geometric image adjustments
  • crop - change the composition
  • rotation, overturning
  • comparison of the horizon
  • horizontal and vertical perspective
Tonal and color image adjustments
  • histogram
  • Auto Adjust tool
  • Brightness, Contrast, and Intensity tool
  • Contrast Enhancement tool
  • Tone Curve tool
  • Color Balance tool
  • Hue, Saturation, and Brightness tool
  • the Color Tone and Color Tone tools
  • brush stroke settings
  • Cloning tool
  • brush repair tool
  • red eye removal tool
Preparation of the image for publication
  • resizing - resampling
  • sharpening
Creating masks - selections in the image
  • mask creation tools
    • rectangle, ellipse
    • manual mode
    • lasso
    • magnetic mask
    • Magic wand
    • brush
  • mask outline adjustments
  • save and load the mask
Basics of using objects - layers
  • use of the object
  • create a new empty object
  • create an object by copying and cutting
  • creating an object from the background
  • manipulation with objects (visibility, order, duplication, deleting, merging)
  • covering and blending objects
  • transformation of objects
  • lentil
  • basics of photomontages and collages with the help of objects
  • insert text
  • text formatting
Saving and exporting images
  • file formats
  • saving CPH images
  • save PSD, PDF files
  • saving and exporting files in other formats
Printing images
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.