Have you learned the basics of GIMP and is that no longer enough? Want to master GIMP like a pro? In our course you will learn how to use GIMP to the last "drop". You will learn to work with channels and paths and you will be able to use them [...]
  • GIMP2
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (6 600 Kč)

    Brno (6 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (290 €)

  • Beginner

Have you learned the basics of GIMP and is that no longer enough? Want to master GIMP like a pro? In our course you will learn how to use GIMP to the last "drop". You will learn to work with channels and paths and you will be able to use them for more demanding selections. You will get to know the use of layers comprehensively and you will get acquainted with many advanced photo editing options. You will create creative graphics. You will examine all the filters and find out how to install more. You will understand the principles of color management in GIMP and working with different color spaces.


The course is intended for users with a basic knowledge of the GIMP program, who need to take full advantage of its possibilities.

  • advanced controls
  • painting
  • advanced photo editing
  • creation and use of paths
  • use of channels
  • advanced layer options
  • use of filters

Basics of GIMP.

Advanced GIMP control options
  • edit keyboard shortcuts
  • application preferences
Tools for precise work
  • ruler
  • grid
  • guides
  • tools brush, pencil
  • setting track properties
  • tools bucket, mixing
  • tools sprayer, ink
  • tool blending modes
Advanced photo editing
  • curves
  • conversion to black and white photo
  • sharpening and blurring filters
Advanced work with layers
  • work with floating selection
  • layer blending modes
  • advanced photo editing with masks
  • principles of non-destructive photo editing
  • color channels
  • conversions between RGB, Grayscale, Indexed
  • output to CMYK
  • create a new channel
  • creation and editing of advanced selections using channels
  • creation and editing of paths
  • path transformation
  • transfer selection to a path
  • transfer path to choice
  • drawing along the path
  • principles of using filters
  • overview of filter effects
  • installation of new filters
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.