In this course, participants will learn how to work with channels and paths in Adobe Photoshop and use them for more demanding selections, learn how to use layers comprehensively, learn about advanced photo editing options including [...]
  • PHSH2
  • Duration 3 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 9 terms
  • Praha (8 700 Kč)

    Brno (8 700 Kč)

    Bratislava (375 €)

  • Beginner

In this course, participants will learn how to work with channels and paths in Adobe Photoshop and use them for more demanding selections, learn how to use layers comprehensively, learn about advanced photo editing options including retouching, photomontage and collages, learn to create actions and automate their work.


The course is intended for users with a basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, who need to take full advantage of its possibilities.

  • advanced Photoshop controls
  • painting in Photoshop
  • advanced photo editing
  • creation and use of paths
  • advanced work with text
  • use of channels
  • advanced layer options
  • use of filters
  • work automation

Knowledge at the course level Adobe Photoshop - basic course.

Advanced Photoshop control options

  • custom desktops
  • edit menus and keyboard shortcuts
  • application preferences
  • status snapshots
  • nonlinear history
Tools for precise work

  • ruler
  • grid
  • guides
  • automatic guides
Painting in Adobe Photoshop

  • advanced tool track settings
  • creation of object traces
  • tools brush, pencil
  • tools gradient, paint can
  • transition editing
  • sample formation
  • tool blending modes
  • transitions and samples on the web
Advanced photo editing

  • curves
  • exposure
  • 16-bit image processing
  • conversion to black and white photo
  • sharpening and blurring filters
  • the Liquefy, Separate, and Vanishing Point filters

  • path creation and editing (Bézier curves)
  • path transformation
  • transfer selection to a path
  • transfer path to choice
  • pull and fill
  • clipping path
  • creation and use of shapes, shapes on the web
Advanced work with text

  • text on the path
  • convert text to shapes

  • color channels
  • conversions between RGB, CMYK, LAB and Grayscale
  • alpha channels
  • creation and editing of advanced selections using alpha channels
  • use of alpha channels for filters
  • spot color channels
  • Channel Shuffle function
  • Calculations function
  • function Use image
Advanced work with layers

  • layers of fill
  • adjustment layers
  • bitmap layer masks
  • vector layered masks
  • layers shape
  • clipping mask
  • layer blending modes
  • smart objects
  • layer composition
  • advanced photo editing with masks
  • principles of non-destructive photo editing

  • principles of using filters
  • overview of filter effects
  • smart filters
Work automation

  • events, doses, droplets
  • scripts
  • Adobe Exchange
  • generated graphics - variables, data sets

Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.