The course deals with mass central server administration, including automatic configuration, software deployment and orchestration of continuous tasks.
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 5 terms
  • Praha (11 400 Kč)

    Brno (11 400 Kč)

    Bratislava (500 €)

  • Intermediate

The course deals with mass central server administration, including automatic configuration, software deployment and orchestration of continuous tasks.


UNIX administrators and anyone else seeking a high-level understanding of Ansible and to learn to build Ansible from the ground up.

You will learn the basics of Ansible and watch a simple Ansible playbook, roles, inventories be created from start to finish.

We recommend having advancedLinux/UNIX system administration skills.

  •     Architecture
  •     Client / server
  •     Usage scenarios
  •     Install and configure Ansible 
  •     Inventories
  •     Static inventory
  •     Dynamic inventory
  •     Playbooks
  •     YAML
    •     String
    •     Comment
    •     Dictionary
    •     List / Array
    •     Syntax validation of YAML
  •     Variables - group_vars a host_vars
  •     Conditions
  •     Loops
    •  with_items
    •  when
  •     Handlers
  •     Tags
  •     Facts
  •     Error handling
  •     Modules
  •     Inclusion
  •     Playbook creation 
  •     Scenarios
    •   Web server
    •   DB server
    •   FTP server
    •   ...
  •     Jinja2 templates
  •     Roles
  •     Ansible Vault
  •     Ansible Galaxy
  •     Ansible Tower
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.