If you want to expand your knowledge of SQL language, this course is for you. Students will be introduced to advanced techniques using SQL, such as subqueries, regular expressions, advanced functions and complex structure queries to obtain the [...]
  • GOC663
  • Duration 3 days
  • 30 ITK points
  • 8 terms
  • Praha (15 300 Kč)

    Brno (15 300 Kč)

    Bratislava (660 €)

  • Intermediate

If you want to expand your knowledge of SQL language, this course is for you. Students will be introduced to advanced techniques using SQL, such as subqueries, regular expressions, advanced functions and complex structure queries to obtain the desired dataset.

  • Developers and users who want to learn how to use advanced SQL techniques and methods
  • MySQL overview
  • Use advanced techniques with the SELECT statement  
  • Use subqueries  
  • Overview and use the advanced features  
  • Advanced techniques of SQL language
  • Basic knowledge of IT and PC  
  • Knowledge of SQL in MySQL
MySQL overview
  • Overview of the MySQL database system  
  • The installation procedure  
  • MySQL Tools
Advanced techniques with the SELECT statement
  • Advanced operators  
  • Regular Expressions  
  • LIMIT 
  • Practical examples
  • Reason for using subqueries  
  • Stand-alone subqueries  
  • Correlated subqueries  
  • Subquery Operators (EXISTS, IN, ANY, ALL)
Overview and use the advanced features
  • Functions for working with different data types  
  • Conversion of data types  
  • Metadata function  
  • Working with XML  
  • Advanced aggregation techniques
Advanced techniques of SQL language
  • Working with hierarchical data structures and recursion  
  • Advanced techniques of joining data sources  
  • Action queries  
  • Advanced subqueries and operators
        Current offer
        Training location
        Course language

        The prices are without VAT.