Students will acquire important information about the properties of the database system MySQL and acquire skills of effective management and maintenance. Among the important topics of the course include the setup process in Windows and Linux [...]
  • GOC661
  • Duration 5 days
  • 50 ITK points
  • 5 terms
  • Praha (22 500 Kč)

    Brno (22 500 Kč)

    Bratislava (1 000 €)

  • Intermediate

Students will acquire important information about the properties of the database system MySQL and acquire skills of effective management and maintenance. Among the important topics of the course include the setup process in Windows and Linux environments, backup and recovery strategy databases, security configuration, system monitoring and troubleshooting.

  • IT specialists who want to manage MySQL database system
  • MySQL overview
  • Install and configure MySQL on Windows
  • Install and configure MySQL on Linux
  • Configure and manage database
  • Principles and use backup and recovery
  • Database system security
  • Monitoring
  • Maintenance and automation tasks
  • Data import and export
  • Troubleshooting
  • Basic knowledge of operating systems Microsoft Windows / Linux
  • Basic knowledge of databases

MySQL overview

  • Properties, versions, editions, components, compared with other DB
  • Overview and tools for administrators
  • Architecture of the MySQL database system

Installation and configuration in a Windows environment

  • Preparing for installation (Windows)
  • Getting the installation media and the choice of distribution
  • Using multiple instances of MySQL on a single server
  • Installation procedure
  • Recommended configuration (CPU, Memory, etc.)

Installation and configuration in a Linux environment

  • Installing from the repository distribution
  • Installing from source package
  • Configure and start the database system

Configuration and database management

  • Overview of database structure  
  • System database  
  • Database configuration

Backing up and restoring databases

  • Properties backup process  
  • Types of database backups and their combinations  
  • Using Tools  
  • Database recovery scenarios and practical use


  • Authentication mode of user connections  
  • Creating and managing users  
  • Types and set permissions  
  • Audit, logging and tracking users

MySQL monitoring

  • Tools for Monitoring MySQL  
  • Monitoring active connections  
  • Analysis of performance indicators  
  • Solving performance problems

Maintenance and automation tasks

  • Reason for using automation  
  • Design and creation of automated tasks  
  • Maintenance database system (defragmentation, etc.)

Data import and export

  • Overview and application of methods for data import  
  • Overview and application of methods for data export


  • Methods and procedures to identify and solve problems  
  • Troubleshooting service level  
  • Solving the concurency problems  
  • Troubleshooting the connection level
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        The prices are without VAT.