The course Optimizing SQL queries in MySQL contains all important information and techniques to ensure optimal performance of your queries or used MySQL database system functionality.
  • GOC664
  • Duration 2 days
  • 20 ITK points
  • 6 terms
  • Praha (9 000 Kč)

    Brno (9 000 Kč)

    Bratislava (400 €)

  • Intermediate

The course Optimizing SQL queries in MySQL contains all important information and techniques to ensure optimal performance of your queries or used MySQL database system functionality.

  • The course is designed for database professionals who have experience with the development of database system and want to know how to write optimized SQL queries
  • Use advanced techniques for optimizing SQL  
  • Design and use indexes  
  • Optimization procedure  
  • Other optimization methods
  • Basic knowledge of IT and PC  
  • Knowledge of SQL in MySQL  
  • Knowledge of database development
Recap advanced queries to optimize performance
  • Integrity Constraints  
  • Join techniques  
  • Subqueries and Operators
  • Structure and types of indexes
  • Design and development indexes
  • Index usage with SELECT statement
  • Explain
  • FullText search
Performance optimization
  • Restructuring query  
  • Practical approach to optimizing
Other types of optimization
  • Partitioning  
  • Optimization tables  
  • Cache  
  • Configure MySQL  
  • Important configuration parameters to optimize
        Current offer
        Training location
        Course language

        The prices are without VAT.