On this course you will learn how to fully utilize this excellent manager and photo editor. You will start by importing photos, creating libraries, using of metadata and archiving. With the help of the built-in Raw Converter you will maximize [...]
  • LGHT
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (6 600 Kč)

    Brno (6 600 Kč)

    Bratislava (290 €)

  • Beginner

On this course you will learn how to fully utilize this excellent manager and photo editor. You will start by importing photos, creating libraries, using of metadata and archiving. With the help of the built-in Raw Converter you will maximize quality of your images - correcting bad exposure and white balance, modifying noise, correcting lens distortion, improving color rendering, and focusing. All these modifications you will perform non-destructively, and to the entire image or just a selected area. You will learn how streamline the work of the collective processing of similar photos. Eventually you will prepare images for print, create books, presentations, web galleries and share them on social networks.


The course is designed for users who use RAW format when taking pictures and want to process it using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

  • basic concepts of digital photography
  • control Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
  • import photos
  • organizing photos in the catalog
  • basic and advanced methods of developing photos from RAW
  • noise reduction and sharpening
  • correction of lens defects
  • export photos
  • print photos and make photo books
  • creating a web gallery and slideshow

Basics of work in Microsoft Windows.

Basic concepts
  • bitmap image, resolution
  • formats in digital photography
  • RAW , DNG
  • metadata
  • histogram
  • color spaces
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
  • Lightroom workflow
  • display settings
  • working environment – modules
  • keyboard shortcuts
Import photos
  • import photos into the library
  • automatic import of photos
  • controlled shooting
  • organizing photos in the catalog
  • create and manage catalog
  • folders, collection
  • tagging photos
  • metadata
  • keywords
  • GPS
  • searching and filtering
  • packages
  • virtual copies
Photo development
  • fast developing in the Library
  • basic color and tonal adjustments
  • tone curve
  • HSB, color, grayscale
  • graduated tint
  • noise reduction and sharpening
  • crop, lens correction
  • effects
  • camera calibration
  • settings synchronization
  • history, snapshots, presets
  • color management
Local editing and retouching
  • graduated filter
  • radial filter
  • adjustment brush
  • red-eye correction
  • remove stains
Export and use of photographs
  • publishing services
  • presentation
  • print photos
  • photographic book
  • web gallery
  • collaboration with other applications
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.