Do you have a vision of what your website should look like, but do not know how to actually do it? Do you need to update your site frequently? On the Internet, you'll find a services to create and update your site yourself. Come and learn how [...]
  • Duration 2 days
  • 0 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (3 900 Kč)

    Brno (3 900 Kč)

    Bratislava (240 €)

  • Beginner

Do you have a vision of what your website should look like, but do not know how to actually do it? Do you need to update your site frequently? On the Internet, you'll find a services to create and update your site yourself. Come and learn how to create your web pages, including tables, pictures, and links. You will learn to create a contact form for messages of visitors of your web, or you will add space for user comments. The input requirements for your computer skills are low, you just need to manage your keyboard well, be able to work with your web browser and be able to create simple documents in text processors like Word, Writer, or similar.


For workers of small and medium-sized businesses, nonprofit organizations, tradesmen who want to have their own aesthetic and functional websites that they want to have under their own control.

Using of computer and internet on basic level.

Theoretical part, just presentation
  • What is domain (portal, the domain purchase, redirecting to InPage)
  • What is a site template
  • What is a responsive website?
  • Access to administration
Simple web

The result is about a five page web site, clients will get pictures and unformatted texts.

  • Startup wizard 
  • Adding of page 
    • Page options – enabling, editor type, title, caption, menu
  • Site contents 
    • Texts 
      • Font
      • Headings
      • Bullets & numbering 
    • Pictures 
      • Uploading 
      • Inserting 
      • Additional resizing
    • Tables
    • Hyperlinks
  • Adding of page to the menu
  • Additional changing of template 
  • Motive and logotype
  • Contact form 
  • Photogallery
Advanced techniques
  • E-mail
    • Administration
    • Creation of profile 
  • Custom CSS – informatively
  • Displaying of HTML code 
  • Creating of e-shop
Current offer
Training location
Course language

The prices are without VAT.