Kurz je určen pro administrátory, kteří budou nasazovat a administrovat vysokou dostupnost pomocí logických, fyzických a snapshot standby databází. Na kurzu se naučíte vytvořit fyzickou, logickou i snapshot standby databázi, nastavit mód [...]
  • ORDG
  • Duration 4 days
  • 60 ITK points
  • 0 terms
  • Praha (57 900 Kč)

    Brno (57 900 Kč)

    Bratislava (2 270 €)

Kurz je určen pro administrátory, kteří budou nasazovat a administrovat vysokou dostupnost pomocí logických, fyzických a snapshot standby databází. Na kurzu se naučíte vytvořit fyzickou, logickou i snapshot standby databázi, nastavit mód ochrany, usnadnit si práci pomocí Data Guard Brokera, prohodit role role primární a standby databáze (switchover a failover), zálohovat na fyzické standby databázi, monitorovat a provádět administraci konfigurovaného řešení.

  • Use Data Guard standby databases to support production functions such as reporting, querying, testing, and performing backups
  • Create and manage physical and logical standby databases
  • Use Enterprise Manager Grid Control and the Data Guard command-line interface (DGMGRL) to maintain a Data Guard configuration
  • Use Data Guard to achieve a highly available Oracle database
  • Oracle Database: Administration Workshop
  • Oracle Database: Administration Workshop II

Introduction to Oracle Data Guard

  • Causes of Data Loss
  • Oracle Data Guard Architecture
  • Types of Standby Databases (benefits of each type)
  • Using the Data Guard Broker
  • Differentiating Between Standby Databases and Data Guard Broker Configuration
  • Data Protection Modes
  • Performing Role Transitions

Creating a Physical Standby Database by Using SQL and RMAN Commands

  • Preparing the Primary Database
  • Creating the Physical Standby Database

Oracle Data Guard Broker: Overview

  • Oracle Data Guard Broker Features
  • Oracle Data Guard Broker Configurations
  • Data Guard Monitor Process
  • Data Guard Monitor Configuration Files
  • Benefits of Using the Data Guard Broker
  • Comparing Configuration Management With and Without the Broker
  • Using DGMGRL

Creating a Data Guard Broker Configuration

  • Defining a Data Guard Configuration (overview)
  • Setting up the Broker Configuration Files
  • Setting the DG_BROKER_START Initialization Parameter to TRUE to start the Data Guard Broker
  • Creating the Broker Configuration
  • Adding the Standby Database to the Configuration

Creating a Physical Standby Database by Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control

  • Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control to Create a Physical Standby Database
  • Using the Add Standby Database Wizard
  • Verifying a Configuration
  • Editing Standby database properties
  • Viewing the Data Guard Configuration Status

Creating a Logical Standby Database

  • Monitoring the Data Guard Configuration by Using Enterprise Manager Grid ControlVerifying the ConfigurationViewing Log File Details
  • Using Enterprise Manager Data Guard Metrics
  • Using the DGMGRL SHOW CONFIGURATION Command to Monitor the Configuration
  • Viewing Standby Redo Log Information
  • Monitoring Redo Apply

Creating and Managing a Snapshot Standby Database

  • Snapshot Standby Database: Architecture
  • Converting a Physical Standby Database to a Snapshot Standby Database
  • Activating a Snapshot Standby Database: Issues and Cautions
  • Viewing Snapshot Standby Database Information
  • Converting a Snapshot Standby Database to a Physical Standby Database

Using Oracle Active Data Guard

  • Using Real-Time Query
  • Enabling and Disabling Real-Time Query
  • Enabling Block Change Tracking on a Physical Standby Database
  • Creating Fast Incremental Backups
  • Monitoring Block Change Tracking

Configuring Data Protection Modes

  • Preparing to Create a Logical Standby Database
  • Checking for Unsupported Objects , Data Types, and Tables
  • Ensuring Unique Row Identifiers
  • Creating the Logical Standby Using SQL Commands and Grid Control
  • Securing your Logical Standby Database

Performing Role Transitions

  • Contrast switchover vs. failover
  • Preparing for a Switchover
  • Performing a Switchover using DGMGRL and Enterprise Manager
  • Types of Failovers
  • Re-enabling Disabled Databases

Using Flashback Database in a Data Guard Configuration

  • Overview of Flashback Database
  • Configuring Flashback Database
  • Using Flashback Database Instead of Apply Delay
  • Using Flashback Database and Real Time Apply
  • Flashback Through Standby Database Role Transitions
  • Using Flashback Database After Failover

Enabling Fast-Start Failover

  • Installing the Observer Software
  • Configuring Fast-Start Failover
  • Configuring Automatic Reinstatement of the Primary Database
  • Initiating Fast-Start Failover from an Application
  • Disabling Fast-Start Failover
  • Starting and Stopping the Observer
  • Moving the Observer to a new Host

Managing Client Connectivity

  • Understanding Client Connectivity in a Data Guard Configuration
  • Preventing Clients from Connecting to the Wrong Database
  • Creating Services for the Data Guard Configuration Databases
  • Automating Client Failover in a Data Guard Configuration
  • Automating Failover for OCI Clients
  • Automating Failover for OLE DB Clients
  • Configuring JDBC Clients for Failover

Performing Backup and Recovery Considerations in an Oracle Data Guard Configuration

  • Backup and Recovery of a Logical Standby Database
  • Using the RMAN Recovery Catalog in a Data Guard Configuration
  • Creating the Recovery Catalog
  • Registering a Database in the Recovery Catalog
  • Configuring Daily Incremental Backups
  • Using a Backup to Recover a Data File on the Primary Database
  • Recovering a Data File on the Standby Database

Patching and Upgrading Databases in a Data Guard Configuration

  • Upgrading an Oracle Data Guard Broker Configuration
  • Using SQL Apply to Upgrade the Oracle Database
  • Performing a Rolling Upgrade by Using SQL Apply
  • Performing a Rolling Upgrade by Using an Existing Logical Standby Database
  • Performing a Rolling Upgrade by Creating a New Logical Standby Database
  • Performing a Rolling Upgrade by Using a Physical Standby Database

Monitoring a Data Guard Configuration

  • Monitoring the Data Guard Configuration by Using Enterprise Manager Grid ControlVerifying the ConfigurationViewing Log File Details
  • Using Enterprise Manager Data Guard Metrics
  • Using the DGMGRL SHOW CONFIGURATION Command to Monitor the Configuration
  • Viewing Standby Redo Log Information
  • Monitoring Redo Apply

Optimizing a Data Guard Configuration

  • Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control to monitor configuration performance
  • Setting the ReopenSecs and NetTimeout database properties
  • Compressing Redo Data
  • Delaying the Application of Redo Data
  • Optimizing SQL Apply
  • Adjusting the Number of APPLIER and PREPARER processes

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